West Tisbury


Cooler weather is making the dogs frisky, although by evening they seem happy to curl up on their beds and settle in. We have had fires in the wood stove already, three or four nights. It took no time at all to fall back into the routine of bringing in wood, starting up the stove, turning on lights before Mike comes home. So far, I haven’t begun cooking suppers that take all afternoon. It’s still too nice being outside. But soon, as the sky darkens earlier and earlier, there will come winter stews and soups that add to the night’s warmth with their tempting fragrance.

I am sad to begin this week’s column with news that Rosemary DeSorcy of West Tisbury, wife of Donald DeSorcy, died Sunday night, October 17, after a brief illness. Besides her husband, she is survived by her three children, Leo DeSorcy, Josepha DeLay, and Simone DeSorcy. Also, she is survived by three grandchildren. There will be a service at 2 pm tomorrow, Oct. 22, at St. Augustine Church in Vineyard Haven and burial at the Vineyard Haven Cemetery. After the burial, there will be a gathering at Leo DeSorcy’s home on Lower Makoniky in West Tisbury. My love and condolences to Simone and her family.

I ran into Marilyn Hollinshead and her daughter, Ellen, in Vineyard Haven this afternoon. Marilyn was full of news. She and Warren have had their whole family here for a birthday weekend. Now they are readying the house once again, expecting a group of children who will be performing a concert on the Island. The London Gold Group of Suzuki-trained children, ages nine to 15, will perform this Sunday, Oct.24, at 5 pm at the Whaling Church in Edgartown. An extraordinary group of violinists and violists, directed by Helen Brinner, founder of the London Suzuki Group, they promise a special hour of music. Admission is free for children, $10 for adults.

Everyone knows Diana Manter and everyone who knows her knows of her tireless support of the West Tisbury Library. In the time I have known Diana, she has done everything from cataloging videos (quite awhile ago; we have known each other a long time) to delivering books and tapes to residents of Windemere, planning the now-mature and beautiful garden and stone wall in front of the library, having sheds erected for year-round storage of books for the Book Sale and working on that sale, to sitting on the board of The Friends of the West Tisbury Free Public Library. It was her idea to break through a stairway to open up the downstairs Children’s Room, and she saw the project through. She also bakes cookies for library events. Diana will be honored at an appreciation party and potluck this Friday, Oct. 22, 4 pm, at the library. Please come with finger food, stories, and hugs.

If you’re still hungry, head up to Orange Peel Bakery in Aquinnah for a Pizza Night Fundraiser for the 2011 MVRHS French trip. From 5 to 8 pm you can enjoy French pizza toppings, good music, convivial companions, and help raise money for the cause. Dinner is $15 adults, $50 families. BYOB. Dress warmly — it is an outdoor event.

Shirley Mayhew let me know that her granddaughter, Katie, was featured in a story in the October 16 issue of the Cape Cod Times. Both Island newspapers also had articles about Katie’s recent trip to London, where she performed with the London Philharmonic.

The library’s Health and Wellness Series continues with Joanne Scott’s program about the benefits of Tai Chi. Hear her Saturday afternoon, Oct. 23, at 4 pm.

Nancy Cole will be at the library Sunday afternoon, Oct. 24, 3 pm, to tell the story of Laura Jernegan: Girl on a Whaleship. At age 6, Laura Jernegan set sail with her father on a three-year voyage. It began in October 1868, embarking from Edgartown. It should be a fascinating program. Nancy is Education Director at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum.

Exchange students from England arrive for their week at the West Tisbury School. They will be welcomed with a potluck dinner for staff and host families Sunday evening at the school.

Sylvana Dole and Robert Hall Parker will host an art evening at the Dole barn Sunday night, Oct. 24, from 6 to 9 pm. Mr. Parker is an artist from North Carolina. His recent work, graffiti and outsider-based, will be the focus of the evening, but music, dancing, and special hors d’oeuvres will round it out. To get there, turn into Rogers Path (next to Bananas on State Road, North Tisbury.) Go right at the fork and keep bearing right till you get to the barn, with parking in the field.

Architects Conrad Ello and Matt Oudens will be at the West Tisbury Library Monday, Oct. 25 at 5:30 pm, for the latest Library Forum Phase II. They will give a professional analysis of potential library sites and steps in a timetable leading to a final vote on the library addition project at the 2012 annual town meeting.

Scarecrows are appearing around town, annual heralds of Halloween’s arrival. The Charter School has chosen a literary theme this year. “So keep your eyes peeled for Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Huckleberry Finn, and all their pals,” says Paul Karasik. We’re all watching.

Finally, the first Winter Farmers’ Market will take place this Saturday at the Ag Hall. Come by from 9 to noon.