Toys for Tots needed
In partnership with the U.S. Marine Corps, the Edgartown Police Department is collecting toys to brighten the holidays for less fortunate children in town. They ask generous townsfolk to drop off unwrapped gifts for boys or girls at 72 Pease’s Point Way between 8 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friday. The last day for drop-offs is Monday, Dec. 20. For more information, contact Special Officer Moore at 508-627-4343.
Half a day at the MFA
The new wing of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston transforms the way visitors encounter the art of the Americas, while the main museum continues to display several new special exhibits.
A trip organized by The Tisbury Travel Club offers four hours of independent time at the museum on Monday, January 10 — a great way to head off the winter blahs.
After wandering around the world in one’s imagination at the museum, it’s great to leave the driving and parking to professionals, and relax.
Adults Island-wide are welcome. Leave on the 8:15 boat, return on the 5:00. To reserve a seat (cost $42) now, call the Tisbury Travel Club at 508-696-4205, Monday through Friday.
Sign up for Rising Tide
Rising Tide Therapeutic Equestrian Center is now accepting applications for its winter riding program (beginning in January) at Red Pony Farm. Thanks to the generosity of Farm Neck Golf Club, financial aide available to clients in need has been increased. For more information, call 508-693-1185.
Phyllis Vecchia offers Creative Drama
Through a theatre education program called Women in History, Phyllis Vecchia is teaching middle-school students at the Tisbury and Charter schools this winter.
The program has been funded by Mal Jones of West Tisbury and supported by Francie Desmone of Tisbury. Funding was obtained by Sheila Bracy, the former executive director of Women Empowered.
The program is offered as an enrichment program to all of the sixth and eighth grade students at the Tisbury School. In the Charter School it will be a part of the Social Studies curriculum for the sixth grade.
The women chosen for study will be Marina Silva of Brazil, a rainforest advocate from the Amazon; the suffragists Amelia Bloomer, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony; Phillis Wheatley the African-American poet; Eleanor Roosevelt, Marie Curie, and a Native-American woman.
For inquiries or information, contact Phyllis Vecchia at 508-696-8738.