Edgartown selectmen approved a year-round beer and wine license for the Edgartown Meat and Fish Market, which plans to open at a site in Post Office square, previously the location of the Hollywood Video store.
The owner is Sean Ready, whose family owns two similar stores in Vermont.
At a public hearing Monday on the license application, owners of several package stores objected.
“I question whether the town thinks it’s adequately served with the licenses it has now,” Gary Look of Al’s Package Store said. “I don’t think we need another package store.” Mr. Ready’s store will be restricted to beer and wine sales only.
Others objected to extra traffic. Attorney Sean Murphy, who represented Mr. Ready, said the Martha’s Vineyard Commission and the Edgartown planning board have reviewed the plans. He called traffic complaints a red herring.
“We have a young man that wants to move into Edgartown and start a business, and all we keep hearing is how bad an idea it is,” Mr. Murphy said. “We should be encouraging competition and encouraging young people to move here.”
Selectmen voted 2-0 to approve the new license. Selectman Michael Donaroma abstained because he is a tenant in the building.
“If this had been applying for a seasonal license, I would have a different feeling,” Mr. Smadbeck said. “There’s a lot more positives that outweigh the negatives.”