July 6, 2011
Lucas A. Kaempfer, Washington, D.C.; DOB 3/19/92, false/misuse of liquor identification card/license: three months pretrial probation, must pay $150 court cost; attempt to procure liquor by person under 21: three months pretrial probation.
July 12, 2011
Michael T. Battens, Southboro; DOB 3/21/84, OUI-liquor or .08%, 2nd offense, negligent operation of motor vehicle, failure to wear seat belt: continued to pretrial conference.
Lee Ann Yeddo, Edgartown; DOB 3/15/73, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
July 13, 2011
Trevor S. Bauchens, Vineyard Haven; DOB 10/3/78, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, improper operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Henry E. Miller, Edgartown; DOB 1/18/65, open and gross lewdness: continued to pretrial conference.
July 14, 2011
Robert G. Prenda, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/28/86, breaking and entering a building during daytime to commit a felony: guilty — six months in the house of correction, 79 days to serve, balance suspended, two years probation concurrent with another charge, must pay $9,500 restitution; larceny from a building: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; larceny over $250: guilty — six months in the house of correction, 79 days to serve deemed served, balance suspended, two years probation concurrent with another charge; receiving stolen property under $250: guilty — six months in the house of correction, 79 days to serve, restitution as in count 1.
July 15, 2011
Zachary A. Beatty, Milford, CT; DOB 10/1/76, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: guilty, must pay $100 fine; motor vehicle lights violation: responsible, must pay $20 fine.
William J. Bernard, Edgartown; DOB 11/3/70, uninsured motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Melissa Cheusde, Vineyard Haven; DOB 8/2/73, assault and battery: guilty — one year probation, must pay $50 VW.
William Casey Elliston, Chilmark; DOB 1/7/86, OUI-liquor or .08%, 4th offense, use of motor vehicle without authority, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued to pretrial conference.
Benjamin M. Higgins, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/29/80, violating abuse prevention order: continued to pretrial conference.
Kayla Manning, West Tisbury; DOB 2/15/90, negligent operation of motor vehicle, leaving the scene of property damage, passing violation: continued to pretrial conference.
Melissa Cheusde-Neuner, Vineyard Haven; DOB 8/2/72, assault and battery: one year probation, must pay $50 VW and $65 PSF.
Amir Sheybani-Nezhad, Vineyard Haven; DOB 7/26/92, shoplifting by asportation: three months pretrial probation, must pay $130 restitution and complete 20 hours of community service.
Adam Vincent Tucker, Edgartown; DOB 5/16/88, assault: guilty, one year probation, must pay $50 VW concurrent with another charge; resisting arrest: guilty, one year probation; malicious destruction of property under $250: guilty, one year probation.
Adam Vincent Tucker, Edgartown; DOB 5/16/88, possession of distribute Class D drug (marijuana): continued without finding for one year concurrent with another charge, must pay $50 VW; possession of Class B drug (suboxone): dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; marked lanes violation: responsible, filed.
Adam Vincent Tucker, Edgartown; DOB 5/16/88, assault and battery: guilty — two years in the house of correction, six months to serve, balance suspended, two years probation, must pay $65 PSF; assault with a dangerous weapon: continued without finding for two years.
James A. Willis, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/4/82, assault and battery: guilty — two years in the house of correction, two years probation, must pay $65 PSF.
James A. Willis, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/4/82, violating abuse prevention order: guilty — one year probation concurrent with another charge.
James A. Willis, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/4/82, violating abuse prevention order: guilty — one year probation concurrent with another charge.
James A. Willis, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/4/82, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: guilty — must pay $500 fine.
Alyson E. Woolacott, Oak Bluffs; DOB 8/12/78, larceny by check over $250: guilty — six months in the house of correction suspended, one year probation, must pay $646.41 restitution and $50 VW.
July 18, 2011
Jaron Chaplin, Oak Bluffs; DOB 3/12/90, trespassing: to be dismissed upon payment of eight hours of community service.
Seder Dylan, Portland, ME; DOB 5/2494, breaking and entering for misdemeanor: continued to pretrial conference.
John H. Fidler 3rd, E. Hampton, CT; DOB 10/17/91, possession of liquor by person under 21: continued to pretrial conference.
Brian P. Lewis, N. Attleboro; DOB 11/29/90, possession of liquor by person under 21: continued to pretrial conference.
Nelson Gomes Martins, Taunton; DOB 10/19/71, assault and battery, malicious destruction of property under $250: continued to pretrial conference.
Brandon Murray, Worcester; DOB 8/15/82, disorderly conduct: to be dismissed upon completion of four hours of community service.
Michael O’donohue, Oak Bluffs; DOB 8/7/90, false/misuse of liquor identification card/license, possession of Class B drug (cocaine): continued to pretrial conference.
Tyler S. Raddatz, E. Hampton, CT; DOB 7/11/91, possession of liquor by person under 21; continued to pretrial conference.
Nicholas P. Sabilia, Oakdale, CT; DOB 6/26/91, possession of liquor by person under 21: continued to pretrial conference.
Joseph E. Samuel, Merrick, NY; DOB 10/23/90, false/misuse of liquor identification card/license, intimidating a witness: continued to pretrial conference.
Robert F. Tolken, Bourne; DOB 8/7/89, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.
John L. Zannini, New Canaan, CT; DOB 7/27/58, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the completion of four hours of community service; speeding in violation of special regulation: not responsible.
July 20, 2011
William T. Dunlop, Ipswich; DOB 8/2/90, false/misuse of liquor identification card, procurement of liquor by person under 21: continued to pretrial conference.
Matthew J. Latter, Beverly; DOB 9/6/91, procurement of liquor by person under 21: continued to pretrial conference.
July 21, 2011
Robert E. Barbera 3rd, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/9/62, larceny by check over $250: continued to pretrial conference.
Joshua J. Cotterill, Oak Bluffs; DOB 5/17/88, OUI-liquor or .08%, marked lanes violation: continued to pretrial conference.
Joshua K. Edwards, Vineyard Haven; DOB 7/20/83, assault and battery, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, intimidating a witness: continued to pretrial conference.
Jacob Locke, Abington; DOB 6/26/85, operating a motor vehicle with suspended registration, uninsured motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Joseph Lacaprucia, Oak Bluffs; DOB 3/15/88, vandalizing property: guilty — six months in the house of correction concurrent with count 2; assault and battery: guilty — 2 ½; years in the house of correction, six months to serve, balance suspended, three years probation.
Doris Schmidt, Oak Bluffs; DOB 5/23/78, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; uninsured motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Brandi Selye, West Tisbury; DOB 4/8/53, utter false check: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Katherine H. Vincent, Edgartown; DOB1/26/82, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, failure to stop/yield: continued to pretrial conference.
July 22, 2011
Anthony M. Cardoza, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/18/90, assault and battery on police officer: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; resisting arrest: continued without finding for one year, must pay $50 VW and $50 PSF; disorderly conduct: continued without finding for one year, must complete 24 hours of community service; trespassing: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; malicious destruction of property under $250: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Anthony M. Cardoza, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/18/90, leaving the scene of property damage: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; use of motor vehicle without authority: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Sam A. Clark, Merion Station, PA; DOB 9/6/87, OUI-liquor or .08%, marked lanes violation, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.
Brian M. Gallo, West Tisbury; DOB 10/27/69, uninsured motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the payment of $500 court cost; unregistered motor vehicle: not responsible.
Travis S. Macomber, Edgartown; DOB 6/12/86, possession of Class B drug (Percocet): continued to pretrial conference.
Paul W. Margeson, Oak Bluffs; DOB 10/4/69, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: guilty, must pay $100 fine; no inspection/sticker: responsible, must pay $50 fine; operating motor vehicle with suspended license for OUI: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Samuel Kistler, West Boylston; DOB 7/5/90, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued without finding for six months, must pay $50 VW, $50 PSF and complete four hours of community service.
July 25, 2011
Richard Abrazinski, Edgartown; DOB 2/25/62, shoplifting by concealing merchandise: continued to pretrial conference.
William H. Bookwalter, Somerville; DOB 5/31/65, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation: continued to pretrial conference.
Michail T. Burford, Oak Bluffs; DOB 12/14/89, larceny under $250: continued without finding for six months, must complete eight hours of community service.
Michail T. Burford, Oak Bluffs; DOB 12/14/89, larceny over $250: continued without finding for six months, must pay $50 VW, $50 PSF and complete eight hours of community service; a second charge of larceny over $250: continued without finding for six months, must complete eight hours of community service; receiving stolen property over $250: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; a second charge of receiving stolen property over $250: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Michail T. Burford, Oak Bluffs; DOB 12/14/89, larceny over $250: continued to pretrial conference.
Jack E. Butman, Edgartown; DOB 4/25/33, disorderly conduct, indecent exposure, resisting arrest: continued to pretrial conference.
Rebecca Carrol, Leominster; DOB 11/1391, shoplifting by concealing merchandise: one month pretrial probation, must complete eight hours of community service; four additional charges of shoplifting by concealing merchandise: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Daniel J. Edelbach, Edgartown; DOB 4/15/90, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
Joshua K. Edwards, Vineyard Haven; DOB 7/20/83, violating abuse prevention order: continued to pretrial conference.
Nelson M. Ferreira, Edgartown; DOB 11/24/75, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
Joseph M. Furlong, Fairfield, CT; DOB 6/14/74, marked lanes violation, negligent operation of motor vehicle, OUI-liquor or .08%: continued to pretrial conference.
Semen Gladkoskok, Quincy; DOB 10/8/87, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, unregistered motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation, failure to stop for police: continued to pretrial conference.
Juliane Leazott, Medway; DOB 3/1/66, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.
Cody J. Litchfield, E. Falmouth; DOB 1/4/92, larceny from a building, larceny of credit card, credit card fraud under $250, eight additional charges of credit card fraud under $250, credit card fraud over $250; continued to pretrial conference.
Philip R. Mendes, Westborough; DOB 2/19/90, indecent exposure: continued to pretrial conference.
Vincent J. Milano 3rd, Westwood; DOB 3/10/87, disorderly conduct: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost and letter of apology.
Matthew B. Murphy, Wakefield; DOB 3/4/89, larceny over $250, OUI-liquor or .08%, motor vehicle lights violation, license not in possession : continued to pretrial conference.
Melissa Neuner, Vineyard Haven; DOB 8/2/72, violating abuse prevention order: continued to pretrial conference.
Robert Hall Parker, West Tisbury; DOB 7/6/83, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle, failure to stop/yield: continued to pretrial conference.
Craig Rozario, Edgartown; DOB 4/18/77, being present where heroin is kept: guilty — six months in the house of correction, two years supervised probation; possession of Class B drug (cocaine): guilty — six months in the house of correction suspended, two years probation concurrent with count 1.
Beth Ann Serusa, West Tisbury; DOB 7/28/63, violating harassment prevention order: continued without finding for six months, must pay $50 VW and $50 PSF.
Gregory L. Spain, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/21/47, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
Yana Stasenkova, Vineyard Haven; DOB 6/9/91, shoplifting by concealing merchandise: to be dismissed upon the completion of 12 hours of community service.
Kevin R. Sturtevant, Plymouth; DOB 4/21/77, larceny over $250, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.
David Thrift, Vineyard Haven; DOB 9/1/81, assault and battery, violation of abuse prevention order, indecent assault and battery on person 14 or over: continued to pretrial conference.
David Thrift, Vineyard Haven; DOB 9/1/81, rape of child with force, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, resisting arrest: continued to pretrial conference.
Alla Zapevalova, Vineyard Haven; DOB 3/23/92, shoplifting by concealing merchandise: to be dismissed upon the completion of 12 hours of community service.