Katelyn Mahoney, daughter of Al and Susan Mahoney of Oak Bluffs and a 2008 graduate of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, is playing in her fourth season for the Boston College Eagles women’s rugby team. Kate, now a senior at B.C., captained the field hockey and track teams at MVRHS.
This autumn, B.C. Rugby won five, lost one, and tied one, defeating Northeastern, UMass, Uconn , Dartmouth, and Cortland State, N.Y. They lost only to Army at West Point and were tied by B.U.
Kate and her B.C. teammates will compete in the Collegiate Sevens National Championships at College Station, Texas, home of Texas A&M, December 15–16. Sevens, a game that highlights speed and passing, uses only seven players to a team rather than the usual 15 players.