Tisbury firefighters, police, and EMTs were busy Tuesday, responding to three fires over a six-hour period. Fortunately, all three were minor and no one was injured, assistant Fire Chief James Rogers said in a phone call yesterday.
The first was a brush fire in a vacant lot on Franklin Terrace, reported at 3:55 pm. Mr. Rogers said the fire was about the size of a rubbish barrel, and the lot’s owner, who lives in a house next door, was trying to put it out when the fire trucks arrived. Police and EMTs also responded.
Since the fire was small and almost out, Mr. Rogers said he sent all but one truck back to the station, and firefighters wrapped everything up by 4:10 pm.
A second call came in at 5:57 pm for a fire in the basement of a house on Briarwood Lane. Everyone was out of the house when first responders arrived, police chief Dan Hanavan said.
By that time, the fire was almost out and Mr. Rogers sent a few trucks back to the station just 10 minutes later. The remaining firefighters checked the house and aired out the smoke.
Chief Hanavan said a neighbor who first reported the fire said it was from a lit candle that went up in flames. “We haven’t determined that yet,” Mr. Rogers said.
The third fire was reported at 7:50 pm, in an apartment over Brickman’s. Mr. Rogers said it was caused by burning food and was out by the time firefighters arrived, so they checked everything and cleared out the smoke.