The 9th Art of Chocolate Festival will open with a preview party tomorrow evening at Featherstone. You can taste and delight in the treats from noon to 4 pm, both Saturday and Sunday.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society will be part of the Manhattan Short Film Festival. As I understand it, that means ten short films will be shown at the MV Film Center each evening this weekend at 7:30 pm.
Last chance for lobster rolls is tomorrow evening from 4 to 7:30 pm at Grace Church. Enjoy overstuffed lobster rolls served with chips and beverage. Call ahead for large orders, 508-693-0332. The pies are really good, too.
Get rid of your old TVs and computers at the Community Services building this Saturday from 9 am to 2. This not only benefits Community Services, it also cleans out your garage.
Tony Nevin says that all interested parties are welcome to join with the Tisbury Democrats this Saturday evening at 6 pm. They will meet at the Tisbury Senior Center.
The first Presidential Debate is next Wednesday. You can join your neighbors to watch the debate at 9 pm at the Vineyard Haven Library. The candidates will be at the University of Denver in Colorado with Jim Lehrer as moderator. The focus is domestic policy.
The Great Decisions discussion group meets Thursdays at 7 pm at the library. If you are interested in Foreign Policy, sign up to take part. This series is sponsored by the Martha’s Vineyard League of Women Voters.
I told you about the book written by Chasity Glass. “even if i am” is now available in print and eBook at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
You are invited to Walk for the Animals on October 6 from the Oak Bluffs School to Tradewinds. This is a benefit for the Animal Shelter of MV. For more, call 508-693-0541. If you and your pup don’t want to walk, you could treat yourself to Anna Tomlinson’s new “My Alphabet” book (by her cat Lucius) at the Bunch of Grapes. The proceeds go to the Animal Shelter.
Sometimes you just wonder about a word. Where did it come from? I just learned that shilling came from a word in ancient times, “skilling.” A skilling was the value of a cow in Kent or a sheep elsewhere in England. Who knew?
Betty Burton says Martha’s Vineyard won an Emmy, sort of. Sesame Street’s documentary about the invisible crisis of food insecurity in the United States won an Emmy for best “Outstanding Children’s Nonfiction.” A segment of the program was filmed on the Island last summer. Martha’s Vineyard was chosen as one site to show a family going to a food bank. Why? Because even in an area of perceived wealth, there is poverty. Sesame Street also wanted to show how a community comes together to help those in need. We can be proud that we do that well.
Congratulations to all who were involved in the filming. A DVD of “Growing Hope Against Hunger” is at the Vineyard Haven Library. If you would like to raise the awareness of hunger on Martha’s Vineyard and want to show this to your organization, call Betty Burton 508-693-5339.
Congratulations to Joe and Susan Canha who celebrate 43 happy years together tomorrow.
More anniversary congratulations go out to Sandy and Sofya Nadelstein on Monday. Chris and Jane Chandler mark their wedding date on Tuesday.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out today to Ashleen Marie Dorsey and also to Eric B. Davison. Happy birthday to Julie Immelt this Sunday. Monday belongs to Deborah Suneson.
Best wishes for a very happy day go to Nore Clark on Tuesday.
Heard on Main Street: Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.