February 15, 2013
Scott E. Fielding, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/1/92, breaking and entering a building during daytime to commit a felony: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; unarmed robbery: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; assault and battery: guilty, two years probation concurrent with another charge; intimidating a witness: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; larceny over $250: guilty, two years probation concurrent with another charge; threat to commit a crime: guilty, two years probation concurrent with another charge.
Scott E. Fielding, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/1/92, open and gross lewdness: guilty – two years in the house of correction suspended, two years probation concurrent with another charge; disorderly conduct: guilty, filed.
Scott E. Fielding, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/1/92, larceny under $250: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Scott E. Fielding, Vineyard Haven; DOB 4/1/92, lewd, wanton and lascivious conduct: guilty – six months in the house of correction suspended, two years probation with level III sanction, VW waived.
February 19, 2013
Sean K. O’Brien, Oak Bluffs; DOB 4/16/82, disorderly conduct: guilty, must pay $150 fine; intimidating a witness: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; resisting arrest: guilty, one year probation, must pay $50 VW and complete 80 hours of community service.
Sean K. O’Brien, Oak Bluffs; DOB 4/16/82, aggravated assault and battery: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
February 21, 2103
Juana Maria Camilleri, West Tisbury; DOB 1/10/63,OUI-liquor or .08%: continued without finding for one year, the Defendant is to attend the driver alcohol education program and must pay a state fee of $250, loss of license for 45 days, must pay $250 HIF, $50 OUI, $50 VW, and $65 PSF; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; marked lanes violation: not responsible; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the completion of eight hours of community service.
Daniel Scott Defoe, West Tisbury; DOB 11/18/85, OUI-liquor or .08%: dismissed; leaving the scene of property damage: dismissed.
Joshua S. Jackson, Edgartown; DOB 2/27/89, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and assault and battery on a police officer: continued to pretrial conduct.
Deshawn James, Oak Bluffs; DOB 9/24/94, breaking and entering for a misdemeanor: guilty, two years probation concurrent with other charges, must pay $500 restitution and $50 VW; larceny from a building: continued without finding for two years, VW waived.
Deshawn James, Oak Bluffs; DOB 9/24/94, breaking and entering for a misdemeanor: guilty, two years probation concurrent with other charges, must pay $50 VW; larceny from a building: continued without finding for two years, VW waived.
Deshawn James, Oak Bluffs; DOB 9/24/94, unarmed burglary: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; breaking and entering for a misdemeanor: guilty, two years probation, must complete 30 hours of community service and VW is waived; larceny from a building: continued without finding for two years, must pay $230 restitution and VW is waived.
Danielle M. Shea, Edgartown; DOB 11/3/84, assault and battery: dismissed.
Deon M. Thomas, Oak Bluffs; DOB 3/26/68, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost; marked lanes violation: not responsible.
February 22, 2013
George A. Sourati, Oak Bluffs; DOB 12/9/63, marked lanes violation: not responsible; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost.
Keith P. McCabe, Crystal Lake, IL; DOB 7/18/73, disorderly conduct: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost.
Trina M. O’Sullivangidding, Oak Bluffs; DOB 1/26/74, uninsured motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: dismissed.
John M. Jannis, Fall River; DOB 10/29/83, uninsured motor vehicle: dismissed; number plate violation to conceal identity; unregistered motor vehicle: not responsible.
Anna-Klara Lindstrom-Greene, West Tisbury; DOB 3/5/69, vandalizing a county building: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost; malicious destruction of property over $250: dismissed.
Christopher P. Demello, West Tisbury; DOB 10/30/89, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost.
February 25, 2013
Emily Thomas, West Tisbury; DOB 2/17/66, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: to be dismissed upon payment of $50 court cost; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Kara Lee Peters, Swampscott; DOB 2/21/83, license not in possession, miscellaneous motor vehicle equipment violation, tire tread depth violation, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, failure to wear a seat belt, no inspection/sticker: continued to pretrial conference.
Jake C. Merrill, West Tisbury; DOB 3/18/81, leaving the scene of property damage: one year pretrial probation.
David Lee Millen, Vineyard Haven; DOB 11/6/93, assault and battery: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.