Tisbury selectmen unanimously approved the promotion of police officer Christopher Habekost to the rank of sergeant at their regular meeting Tuesday night.
Selectman chairman Tristan Israel asked Tisbury Police Chief Dan Hanavan to explain what led to Mr. Habekost’s promotion.
“He finished number one rank in the sergeant’s promotion test, and he has been our acting sergeant for over a year and has been doing a great job for us,” Chief Hanavan said.
Sergeant Habekost joined the Tisbury Police Department as a special officer in June 1998. He was appointed a full-time patrolman in March 2004. In December 2011, he was tapped to fill one of the department’s vacant sergeant’s positions on an acting basis to provide a supervisor on the 4 pm to midnight shift.
“In my opinion, you carry yourself with a great demeanor and you’ve been a great asset to the town,” selectman Israel told Sergeant Habekost prior to the vote.
After town clerk Marion Mudge swore Sergeant Habekost in his wife Marcella pinned on his new badge. Many of his fellow police officers were there to congratulate him. His mother Priscilla Thifault and step-father Fred Thifault, two of his eight siblings, brother John Habekost and sister Linda Habekost, and step-daughter Maria Sanchez-Roa also attended. Her older brothers, Andres and Juan Sanchez-Roa, were unable to attend.
Sergeant Habekost thanked Chief Hanavan for guidance and support during his 15 months as acting sergeant, the hiring committee, and the selectmen.
“I’d like to thank my wife and my children for being my support system at home,” Sergeant Habekost added. “I’d like to thank my parents, who are here today, and my brothers and sisters for being there for me, as they always have. And I’d like to thank my co-workers for showing support today.”
In conclusion, he said, “I’d like to thank, last but not least, the citizens of Tisbury for allowing me to serve their needs in law enforcement for the past 15 years.”