I had planned to open this column with a comment about the warming earth making a ground fog, mysterious and obscuring our woods in the early morning, then go on about the skies gradually turning sunny. But this morning the sky remained gray, darkening by the moment, and the cold wind made me start a fire in the wood stove for the first time in a week or more. It feels gloomy and I’m glad to be indoors.
I was sorry to hear that Antone Rezendes Sr. died last week. The graveside service was held Monday morning at the West Tisbury Cemetery. My condolences to Tony, Vickie, Cheryl, their families and friends.
The First Congregational Church of West Tisbury and the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center have planned special services for this weekend. Called “Farm to Faith,” both congregations will celebrate the small farms and farmers that make up our congregations and our Island. Rabbi Caryn Broitman and Reverend Cathlin Baker met with Sarah McKay, president of Island Grown Initiative, with the idea of fostering earth-honoring faith. According to Reverend Baker, “Historically, in the liturgical life of the church, the end of April and the beginning of May have been designated as a time to ask God’s blessing upon the land as the planting season begins.” Friday night’s Shabbat service at the Hebrew Center begins at 5:30 pm. The West Tisbury Church service this Sunday begins at 10 am. All are welcome. As we have just commemorated Earth Day and many of us are outside planting vegetable and flower gardens, joining together at the beginning of the growing season is an appealing idea.
Another event in honor of Earth Day is an exhibition at Featherstone, “Lucy Vincent Beach,” which opened Sunday afternoon. Island artists were invited to submit images of the beach, either before or after this winter’s storms. Featherstone is open every day between noon and 4 pm.
The Martha’s Vineyard Women’s Symposium will meet this Saturday morning, April 27, 9 am to noon, at the Chilmark Community Center. “The Power of Words” is the topic for the spring symposium.
Wendy Andrews is looking for help as she begins preparing for the MVRHS Class of 1964 50th Reunion. She is looking for addresses and emails for classmates. Please contact her at 508 693-5175 or wendy.andrews1946@yahoo.com.
May 10 and 11 have been designated for a World Wide Lyme Disease Awareness Protest. If interested in participating you may contact Lisa Hilton at wheresthekarma@yahoo.com or Dr. Enid Haller here at the Lyme Center of Martha’s Vineyard, 508-693-1846. Information is available on Facebook at world-wide lyme protest.
Dick Burt and Nancy Cramer traveled to Dover on Sunday to meet Dick’s new grandson, Graydon Richard Burt. Graydon was born at home on April 16. He is the son of David and Colleen Burt, and baby brother of Isis and Aurora. I hope Graydon will be spending lots of time in his Island home on Old County Road so we can all admire him and welcome him to West Tisbury.
Lyndsay Famariss was surprised at a birthday party covertly organized by her husband, Clark Myers, last Saturday night at Dreamland. It was Lyndsay’s 40th. When Clark escorted her upstairs, she was greeted by a roomful of friends, colored lights, armloads of tulips, two birthday cakes, and music by Diana Blue and her really hot band. It was a great party and a great occasion. Happy birthday, Lynds.
It’s already feeling different around town. Everybody is busier getting ready for summer and talking about things that will be happening in the summer. I haven’t had time for a walk with Talley for the past few days. We had frost last night. It’s not even May yet. Slow down.