Edgartown selectmen act on two liquor licenses

Selectman Art Smadbeck (center) was elected chairman by colleagues Margaret Serpa and Michael Donaroma. — Photo by Steve Myrick

Edgartown selectmen Monday agreed to extend a liquor license held by the restaurant Eleven North Water. The license expired April 13, but selectmen voted to extend it to April 28.

Property owner John Roberts said he is negotiating with two groups, and expects to make a decision on which group will manage the restaurant within two weeks. The new managers will then apply for a transfer of the liquor license.

The building is being renovated inside and out. “The exterior will be done in about 30 days, which will meet the town’s expectations,” Mr. Roberts said. “We’re hoping by mid-June the building would be occupiable.”

In an email to The Times, Mr. Roberts said his objective is to have an operator up and running before July.

Selectmen also approved the transfer of a liquor license from Scout Hotels, the group which manages the Kelley House hotel and Newes from America Pub, to Kelly House LLC, which owns the property. The transfer is to accommodate financing of the hotel, purchased by Kelly House LLC last year.

In other business, selectmen endorsed a new triathlon event proposed by Jason Snow, pending agreement from the police chief and highway superintendent. The triathlon is scheduled for Sunday, September 7, and will involve all six Island towns, according to Mr. Snow.

The board approved the hiring of Anita Billings as assistant to the Fire Department, on the recommendation of Fire Chief Peter Shemeth.

Animal Control officer Barbara Prada submitted her quarterly report, which, she said, detailed an uneventful three months, except for the far too frequent escape of a ram named Chili in the Katama area. Chili’s owner was cited twice for failing to keep the animal confined to his quarters.

In the first meeting following town elections last Thursday, selectman Art Smadbeck was voted chairman.

“So moved, that guy,” selectman Michael Donaroma said, hooking a thumb toward his longtime colleague. Outgoing chairman Margaret Serpa seconded the nomination.

“It was a good year,” Mr. Smadbeck said. “I did try to get Margaret to stay on, but nothing doing.”

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported that the building that formerly housed the Eleven North restaurant would not be occupied this season. Owner John Roberts said that his objective is to have an operator up and running before July.