Name Kasey Stevenson
Year Sophomore
Town Oak Bluffs
Best gift received One Direction tickets.
Best gift you gave A sign that said “Dad” that I made in shop class.
What would you like to receive this holiday? All I want for Christmas is to see my cousin Aaron Smith who is currently stationed in the Middle East. I haven’t seen him in 14 months.
Funny/craziest holiday memory I got Big Time Rush concert tickets, and I jumped into my dad’s arms, crying my eyes out. #HappyTears
Name Elizabeth Smith
Year Senior
Town Vineyard Haven
Best gift received Tickets to Il Volo, an Italian operatic trio.
Best gift you gave A kitchen scale for my mom, and a glass bird for my cousin.
What would you like to receive this holiday? Concert merchandise, concert tickets, inspirational quotes, Disney (Minnie Mouse, Eeyore), tons of laughter and joy, my best friend and my grandmother to come back to the Island, and to see my friend Jillian again.
Name Samantha Cameron
Year Freshman
Town Vineyard Haven
Best gift received I love receiving really simple things, so my best gift was a sock monkey given to me last Christmas.
Funny/craziest holiday memory Watching “Elf” with my mom and two brothers on Christmas Eve.
Name Olivia Pate
Year Sophomore
Town West Tisbury
Best gift received My first camera.
Best gift you gave I gave my friends homemade Christmas stuff like soaps and food.
What would you like to receive this holiday? I love getting homemade crafts and things from my besties.
Funny/craziest holiday memory My cat used to climb all over the tree every year. She smashed ornaments, but we laugh about it now.
Name Kayla Oliver
Year Freshman
Town West Tisbury
Best gift received Probably makeup, or just being able to be with my family.
Best gift you gave Being a wonderful sister to my brother, Jacob Oliver.
What would you like to receive this holiday? A large Beats Pill speaker, so I can play music while doing my makeup or hair.
Funny/craziest holiday memory Having Nerf gun wars with my brother on Christmas Eve.
Name Kylie Hathaway
Year Sophomore
Town Edgartown
Best gift received An iPhone 4s.
Best gift you gave A Barbie doll for my sister one year.
Name Lauryn Bond
Year Sophomore
Town Oak Bluffs
Best gift received TLC CD.
Best gift you gave A goody box with cookies and cupcakes.
What would you like to receive this holiday? A phone, clothes, hip-hop shirts, clothes, baking equipment, a onesie, TLC posters.
Name Cykka Lovett
Year Sophomore
Town Edgartown
Best gift received iPhone.
Best gift you gave Coupons for hugs (I hate hugs).
What would you like to receive this holiday? An Apple laptop.
Name Oshantay White
Year Junior
Town Oak Bluffs
Best gift received An infinity necklace.
Best gift you gave I can’t remember.
What would you like to receive this holiday? I don’t want much, maybe a nice pair of shoes and a new digital camera to capture memories.