An Evening of the Arts at MVRHS


Don’t miss the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) showcase of visual and performing arts, including drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, architecture, sculpture, video, animation, design, graphics, video games, invention, fashion, music, theater, and dance, Wednesday, May 20. The annual multimedia event will feature the many talents of our Island’s teens.

View the student-made animation The Sweetness of Savings, models and drawings of the Pergola Project, work from the winners of the 2015 Scholastic Art Awards and Mass Photo Challenge, an Arduino-controlled maze-playing ballgame, an oil-cooled computer in a fish tank, gigantic origami, a magnetically levitating solar-powered motor made from 3D printed parts, a preview of the Vineyard Conservation Society’s “The Art of Conservation: Water — An Island Treasure” art competition, a Vietnam–Martha’s Vineyard photography exchange project, award-winning posters, music videos, 3D prints, highlights from the Martha’s Vineyard Museum’s student “Then & Now” photography show, handmade handbags and scarves, screen prints, and much more.

For music and entertainment, soloists and small group performances will feature original choreography and dance, men’s a cappella by SoundWave, renditions of Broadway hits, classical piano, pop, and original work. The MVRHS year-end concert will include combined chorus, orchestra, band, and jazz band. Additional performances will also take place in the intimate Coffee House area that will be designated for the event.

Evening of the Arts at MVRHS; Wednesday, May 20, 6 to 9 pm, free. Enter through the Performing Arts Center foyer. For additional information, contact Chris Baer at or Jan Wightman at