In a joint meeting, the Edgartown selectmen and Edgartown School committee met Monday and appointed Kelly McCracken to the school committee seat vacated by David Rossi, newly named Edgartown police chief.
Chief Rossi was present at the appointment Monday evening, and personally recommended Ms. McCracken for the position. He praised her experience and commitment to the school system. Ms. McCracken was the only person nominated to fill the vacancy.
After the unanimous appointment, school committee member Megan Anderson presented Chief Rossi with a brick from the old Edgartown School building as a symbol of gratitude for his many years of service.
“I thank you personally for what I have learned, and we also thank you as a community, as a whole, for all you’ve done for us,” Ms. Anderson said as she presented the gift. The end of this year marked 12 years on the committee for Chief Rossi.
Selectmen also approved a request from Adrienne Barris for the removal of two public shade trees at 35 Dunham Road. Ms. Barris told selectmen she would replace the trees with varieties that provide more colorful fall foliage.
After the meeting, Selectman Margaret Serpa explained that trees that provide shade on public walkways need the selectmen’s approval before removal. Ms. Serpa said the board encourages property owners to replace trees that are removed.
Chairman of the board of selectmen Michael Donaroma recused himself from the discussion because his landscaping company would remove the trees.