Edgartown: It's beginning to feel a lot like winter

A pink rose, clinging desperately to its beauty on the brown, virtually leafless vine on which it grew. Photo by Gail Gardner

As Amelia and I walked across the parking lot to her dance studio on this very chilly evening, we both stopped short to admire one amazingly beautiful, and ever-so-sweet-smelling, pink rose, clinging desperately to its beauty on the brown, virtually leafless vine on which it grew. As I bent to smell it and enjoy that gentle fragrance, Amelia said, “Wait, wait, I want to take a picture of it.” I’m incredibly grateful for a few things tonight, thinking back on that single, hopeful flower. I’m grateful for noticing the beauty. And I’m grateful for the fragrance, rare this late in the season. And I’m eternally grateful that my 13-year-old daughter understood the rare treat that was bestowed upon us with that single pink flower, as fall begins to feel more and more like winter. I must be doing something right!

This Friday evening, Oct. 30th, from 5 to 7 pm, the Edgartown School PTA hosts the annual Spooktacular Halloween Fest for your little ghosts and goblins in the Edgartown School gym! There will be games and treats, as well as a Best Costume contest. This is always a fun night for kids and parents alike, and it’s great that it is the night before Halloween this year! That way, everyone still gets the chance to go out trick-or-treating on Halloween as well.

Felix Neck welcomes folks to the sanctuary on Friday, Oct. 30, from 5 to 7 pm. This holiday celebration highlights “Creatures of the Night,” with fun for the whole family, starting with a hayride around the property at 5:15 pm. Then, as darkness falls you’ll get to enjoy the sanctuary at night, from a new perspective. Take a self-guided night walk, create an animal mask for trick-or-treating and decorate a pumpkin at the BYOP (bring your own pumpkin) station. Enjoy cider by the fire while you take in the beautiful sounds of the sanctuary. Admission to the program is $6 for members and $9 for nonmembers. Children under 3 are free. For more information, please call 508-627-4850.

On Saturday afternoon, from noon to 2 pm, stop by the Edgartown library for their Halloween Celebration! Make a spooky Halloween craft project, and go trick-or-treating at the library.

A special birthday wish from Diana Averill in Arizona to a special girl, Lillie Cabral, who turns 9 on Oct. 30. Happy birthday, Lillie!

Since I was asking for news and birthdays, I heard from Carol Lisa Chirgwin Fligor. She and her mother, Katherine Chirgwin, shared the same birthday, Nov. 1st, a fact she has always enjoyed. She was born in the old Oak Bluffs Hospital, with Dr. Nevin in attendance, the uncle to the Dr. Nevin whom most of us knew.

Last summer, Martha’s Vineyard Insurance sponsored the Red Stocking Fund in the Safeco Insurance Co. “Make More Happen” contest. Initially, they received a grant from Safeco in the amount of $3,000. Then the community was encouraged to vote for their “favorite” charity, and the winner would receive an additional donation. The great news is that the Red Stocking Fund won! On Oct. 30, at 10 am, representatives from Safeco will be presenting the “big check” to Red Stocking representatives at our Edgartown office at 63 Winter Street. As a board member and longtime supporter of the Red Stocking, I am, of course, delighted by this great news, and I look forward to sharing more news and pictures of the ceremony next week!

Speaking of the Red Stocking Fund, now is the time to get those applications filled out and mailed in if your family needs some help this holiday season. Applications are available at the local elementary schools and most branches of Vineyard banks, as well as other family and community locations. Applications are also available at the Health Care Access office in Oak Bluffs, where assistance for Portuguese-speaking families is available. Families are urged to apply early, preferably by mid-November, in order to receive a food voucher before Thanksgiving.

Congratulations to Nedine Cunningham and Kara Shemeth, members of the Amity Island Running Club, who ran the Marine Corps Marathon this past Sunday. As if running 26 miles wasn’t impressive enough, Nedine took the opportunity to raise money for Homes for Our Troops as well. As I type this, it is still possible to support Nedine’s efforts with this organization that builds specially adapted homes for severely injured veterans. You can visit their website at hfotmcm15.kintera.org. You can then enter Nedine’s name in the support-a-runner window and contribute to the cause. Congratulations, ladies. Oorah!

Have a great week, everyone. Thanks for reading. And remember — wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.