April 19, Clifford and Diane Estrella sold their interest in a lot on Woodhaven Drive to Robert E. Bruce and Susanne Bruce for $15,000.
April 19, Andrew P. Houlahan sold 2 Beach Plum Meadows to Russell B. Swapp and Claudia A. Colombo for $2,300,000.
Oak Bluffs
April 21, Geoghan E. Coogan, trustee of EC Nominee Trust, sold a lot on Nohomon St. to Thomas Murro, trustee of Iantha Realty Trust, for $220,000.
April 19, Frank Banister and Barbara Hamill sold 15 Massabesic Ave. to James C. Dario 3rd and Kerry B. Dario for $1,480,000.
West Tisbury
April 22, George J. Rogers and Sheryl Roth Rogers sold 74 Rustling Oaks Rd. to John C. and Wendy S. O’Keeffe for $475,000.