Support Felix Neck with blues and a Bird-a-Thon

The Chandler Blues Band from left: Kyle Higley, Michael Baird, Lance Fullin, Kevin Medeiros and Mike Chandler. —Photo by Michael Cummo

The Ritz will host a benefit concert for Felix Neck on Saturday, April 30, featuring the Chandler Blues Band. Music will start at 10 pm, and there is a cover charge of $5 per person, which will benefit Felix Neck’s Team in Bird-a-Thon 2016. Bird-a-thon is an annual fundraiser where teams of birders spend 24 hours trying to spot the most species in Massachusetts. This year’s goal is to raise $5,000. Felix Neck staff will be at the Ritz to discuss the Bird-a-Thon, sign up team members, and collect donations. For more information, contact Felix Neck at 508-627-4850 or visit