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Annie and Jessica McDaniel, seasonal Vineyard visitors, on the subway to the march at the Boston Common. – Louisa Williams

West Tisbury resident Louisa Williams photographed the sea of signs at the Boston Common on Saturday.

Islanders Elizabeth Mahoney, Ruth McGorty, Dale Julier, Lori Calio
wait for the bus in Woods Hole to take them to the march in Falmouth. – Susan Safford

David Hannon, Tony Omer, Sarah Omer and Clementine deForest on their way to the march in Falmouth. – Susan Safford

Islanders took the noon boat to get to the march in Falmouth. From left: Stephen Graham and Ann Graham from Edgartown, Susan Pratt from Edgartown.– Kate Feiffer

A sign in Spanish proclaims "I didn't come out of your rib, you came out of my womb." —Cameron Machell

Christopher Harrison of New York with his dog Newton. "Pink is for women and green is for mother Earth," Mr. Harrison said. —Cameron Machell

Sarah Meeks of Boston, and her mother Karen Meeks, of Martha's Vineyard, marched on the Boston Common on Saturday. – Courtesy Karen Meeks

Katharine Triantafillou and Bricque Garber, of West Tisbury, drove to Washington, D.C., to march. – Courtesy Katharine Triantafillou

From left, Sarah Moore, Mary Woodcock, Suzanne Alberich, Carla Cooper and Dayle Pomerantz represented the Vineyard at the women's march in Boston on Saturday. —Siobhan Beasley

About 175,000 people attended the women's march in Boston on Saturday according to the Boston Globe. —Siobhan Beasley

From left, Bill and Marianne Tsikitas, Amanda White, Lenore Tsikitas, Meagan Donohue, Marlene DiStephano, and Randi Sylvia attend the women's march in Boston. —Siobhan Beasley
Islanders, seasonal and year-round, converged on Washington D.C., Boston, New York, and even Falmouth (among other places), along with hundreds of thousands of other Americans, for the “March on Washington,” an event planned in the days following the election of Donald Trump. Organizers have said they are seeking to bring people — not just women — together in a unified protest.
The Times will update this post throughout the day with dispatches, Tweets, video and photographs from Islanders at marches around the country (and Five Corners).