Chilmark: Lambs and other signs of spring

Photographer Mila Lowe continues working on her "MV Local Immigrants" series of portraits at Lucy Vincent Beach. Check out the series at—Valerie Sonnenthal

Thank you to Pathways Projects Institute’s Tanya Augustinos, Scott Crawford, and Keren Tonnes, plus everyone else who helped make this another amazing season of support and nurturing for the artists who live on-Island year-round. It’s hard to imagine winter without all these special gatherings!

Welcome home to all the families who’ve been off-Island, and anyone else enjoying family, friends, or vacation. Forsythia and daffodils are in their full majesty, bringing needed cheer. Watching lambs at play is mesmerizing, or perhaps it is being able to experience pure innocence. Really, I could spend all day playing with the lambs. Some people think baby goats are a lot cuter, but we’re lucky to have both available to enjoy at our local Chilmark farms.

Congratulations to Thomas Bena, whose film “One Big Home” will screen 15 times in 10 states and Canada in the next two weeks, from Woods Hole to Pasadena, Calif.

Last weekend was my last class in NYC for the Sound Music Institute, and when in the city I walk everywhere. So walking into Laurie David, Bart Thorpe, and daughter Bella while heading up Broadway near Union Square Park was both a complete surprise and just like passing neighbors from home. Thanks to all the volunteers who donated time on Earth Day, cleaning up our local beaches, and to those who took part in March for Science rallies.

April is a bit like the itchy season, where we are teased by the possibility of warmer weather, still have to throw on a winter jacket in the morning, yet just want to be outside as much as possible. In the meantime, more vacationers are appearing and enjoying the quiet season. I met a couple at Great Rock Bight this week from Nova Scotia, who married six years ago at Mytoi in the fall, and now come every Easter. I stopped to say hi to Jay Schmidt and Russell Maloney, who were busy working outdoors on their property, and they had just picked up a French couple hitching to Menemsha.

Ladies, don’t miss the 39th Women’s Symposium, on the topic of “Clutter,” on Saturday, April 29. It begins at 9 am, followed by small groups and discussion until noon at the Chilmark Community Center. Donations welcome. For further information, contact Bonnie George at 508-645-3214 or

If you were in sixth grade at the Tisbury School in 1967, you may want to make sure you’re at the opening of the time capsule that was placed into the library wall by those youngsters 50 years ago. Come and find out what was put away on Saturday, April 29, at 4 pm at the Vineyard Haven library.

Dance the Yard is taking over the stage for the first time at the Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center, in a featured work choreographed by the Yard’s own Jesse Keller and Alison Manning, along with a dance film and a third piece, on Saturday, April 29, at 7 pm. Tickets available at

Many Chilmarkers enjoy Lia Kahler, who will be speaking about “From Church to Stage: My Path as an Opera Singer” at 11 am on Tuesday, May 2, at the Good Shepherd Parish Center in Oak Bluffs. All are welcome to bring their lunch along.

Pizza Nights continue on Tuesdays at the Chilmark Community Church; all are welcome to enjoy some good company.

Have a great week.