50th anniversary celebration of Wasque purchase planned


The Trustees of Reservations are planning a 50th anniversary celebration from 4 to 7 pm, Thursday, August 3, Chris Kennedy, executive director of the Trustees, said.

The event is free, although the Trustees are asking people to register ahead of time, Mr. Kennedy said. The event, which celebrates the anniversary of more than 700 Islanders coming together to purchase the 200 acres at Wasque, will feature activities for kids, kayaks and paddleboards to use, walking tours, and exhibits, Mr. Kennedy said.

“What this means to Martha’s Vineyard to have 200 acres preserved, that’s pretty spectacular,” he said.

Visitors can either drive out to Wasque or grab a shuttle at the Chappy ferry, Mr. Kennedy said.

To register, call 508-693-7662.