By Annette Sandrock
friendly eyes
clean the slate
time is slowing
it’s too late
stressful step
crawling’s best
sickly maiden
eat to heal
dwindling food
morsels tasteless
not in the mood
hardly enough
productive cough
sweat from thought
drugs are bought
heavy chest
painful swallow
need to rest
wait for tomorrow
chores undone
troubled ears
texting’s tough
unbidden tears
runny nose
coated sore throat
labored breathing
phlegm-filled bloat
peace is bed
am I dead?
no I just caught
what can’t be bought
a dreary cold
one not to hold
or is it flu
I give to you?
Annette Sandrock of Vineyard Haven is a former high school English teacher who facilitated poetry events and poetry writing for students. She is a freelance writer, and is currently a member of Cleaveland House Poets, Martha’s Vineyard Poetry Society, and Martha’s Vineyard Poets Collective.