Now I know too much, Meadow.
I have seen your face. Your future.
I’m so pleased that you got into
Your college of choice. Of course
You would … outstanding student,
Athlete. And then you put
Your talents into veterinary training.
And returned to Parkland where your family pray
You marry and have two or three little Meadows or Brandons.
You will do that with heart.
That’s a life in just a few lines.
Day in day out, living well, a smart helpful life.
Parents of Meadow, this poem is for your suffering,
And for the parents of children torn to bits everywhere.
Please accept this version if only while you read it
Try to believe this story
of unequal weight
was meant to happen in this unlawful universe.
Fan Ogilvie, who was West Tisbury’s second poet laureate, lists among her accomplishments a contest in poetry for high schoolers known as Promising Young Poets, a program in poetry and playwriting in the Martha’s Vineyard House of Correction, a continuing Summer Festival in Poetry featuring readings by national and local poets, and numerous readings at various venues around the Island.