‘Poetry Drop-In’ workshops


The West Tisbury library will be presenting “Poetry Drop-Ins” led by Island poet Donald Nitchie. According to a press release, these free workshops, which started in July, will be held on two dates in August, and most workshops will be co-facilitated by a special guest poet. Participants will read and discuss two or more poems from classic and contemporary poets, and then use those poems as models for in-class writing exercises. As the poet William Matthews once said, “Artists have their life drawing classes — why can’t writers have a similar kind of thing?” These workshops are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.


August workshop schedule:

  • Tuesday, August 21, from 4 to 5:30 pm
  • Tuesday, August 28, from 4 to 5:30pm — co-facilitated by Clark Myers, Island poet


Donald Nitchie is a poet from Chilmark whose poetry collection “Driving Lessons” was published by Pudding House in 2008.