Court Report: August 30-Sept. 7


August 30, 2018

Mark Henry Paquin, Garland, Maine; DOB 10/12/66, possession of class C drug (Xanax): dismissed at the request of the commonwealth; possession of class B drug (Adderall): dismissed at the request of the commonwealth.

Sept. 4, 2018

Neal Albert Amodio, Edgartown; DOB 3/16/69, marked lanes violation, negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.

Joseph W. Bavis, South Boston; DOB 5/26/94, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon: continued to pretrial conference.

Joshua A. Coleman, Edgartown; DOB 2/28/88, assault on a family/household member, assault with a dangerous weapon on person over 60 years of age, threat to commit a crime: continued to pretrial conference.

Adam Joseph Correa, Edgartown; DOB 12/3/82, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued to pretrial conference.

Mark Edstrom, Anaheim, Calif.; DOB 3/19/82, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation: continued to pretrial conference.

Andrew A. Hakala, Edgartown; DOB 12/14/94, OUI-drugs (marijuana), negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.

David C. Hawkins, Edgartown; DOB 4/18/61, disorderly conduct, trespassing: continued to pretrial conference.

David C. Hawkins, Edgartown; DOB 4/18/61, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.

David C. Hawkins, Edgartown; DOB 4/18/61, assault and battery, attempt to commit a crime: continued to pretrial conference.

Michael J. Murphy, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/11/52, attempt to commit a crime: continued to pretrial conference.

Brian O’Gorman, Chilmark; DOB 1/31/59, operating motor vehicle with suspended license (criminal subsequent offence), possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle, unregistered motor vehicle, uninsured motor vehicle, failure to wear seat belt: continued to pretrial conference.

Trina M. O’Sullivan-Giddings, Oak Bluffs; DOB 1/26/74, uninsured motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the completion of eight hours of community service; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: dismissed at the request of the commonwealth; no inspection sticker: not responsible.

Dalibor Petrovic, Edgartown; DOB 10/23/87, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.

Antero V. Rodrigues, Pawtucket, R.I.; DOB 1/22/74, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct: continued to pretrial conference.

Richard J. Shepard, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/26/47, embezzlement/misapplication by fiduciary, larceny over $1,200: continued to pretrial conference.

Ross G. Swiriduk, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/27/58, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.

Stefan Turanjanin, Vineyard Haven; DOB 11/25/96, shoplifting by asportation: to be dismissed upon payment of $150 court cost.

Sept. 6, 2018

Neal Albert Amodio, Vineyard Haven; DOB 3/16/69, leaving the scene of personal injury: continued to pretrial conference.

Julio Cesar Brito, Vineyard Haven; DOB 8/8/95, OUI-liquor or .08%: dismissed at the request of the commonwealth; no inspection sticker: not responsible.

Frank Debiccari, Boston; DOB 3/11/57, violating abuse prevention order: dismissed at the request of the commonwealth.

Anthony B. Jackson, Edgartown; DOB 9/18/79, OUI-liquor or .08%, second offense: guilty — 90 days in the house of correction suspended, probation for two years with 14 inpatient and aftercare, must pay $250 HIF, $50 VW, $250 OUI, $50 victim witness assessment and $50 PSF.

Justin K. Leblanc, Oak Bluffs; DOB 12/31/73, OUI-drugs, second offense (drug not recited): dismissed at the request of the commonwealth.

Jeffrey Lucier, Edgartown; DOB 12/11/58, negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued without finding for six months, must pay $250 HIF, $50 VW, and $50 PSF.

Sept. 7, 2018

Alessandro Pereira Dasilva, Vineyard Haven; DOB 9/5/80, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost.

Joao Dasilva, Edgartown; DOB 6/12/63, OUI-liquor or .08%: guilty, must pay $500 fine, $125 surfine, $50 OUI victims witness assessment, $250 HIF, and $50 VW; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the commonwealth; marked lanes violation: not responsible.