Vehicle smashes into Jim’s Package store doors

The Jeep, a late model Wrangler, was covered with shards of broken glass from the double-doors. No injuries were reported. — Lucas Thors

A woman driving a late-model Jeep Wrangler crashed into the side double-doors of Jim’s Package Store at approximately 3 pm Thursday.

The Jeep, which had a large metal bumper on the front, shattered both windows on the doors, and dislodged one door from its runner. Employees of the store were busy sweeping up glass inside the store, as well as from the area surrounding the doors. A large amount of glass from the doors was also covering the hood of the Jeep and lodged behind the metal bumper, however the Jeep sustained minimal damage. Small pieces of glass were spread about the parking lot, which employees later gathered from under the vehicle and next to the adjacent parking block. A plastic sign was placed in front of the doors directing people to use the front entrance.

Jim’s Package Store employees pick up piles of glass after a Jeep smashed into the side doors Thursday.

Oak Bluffs Police Officer Damien Harris told The Times the driver was attempting to make a three-point turn in order to exit the parking lot, when she accelerated forward into the doors.

“These things happen, it’s just good no one was injured, that’s the main thing that matters,” Harris said.

The co-owner of Jim’s Package Store, Mike Wallace, said he plans on putting plywood over the broken windows until he can have new doors installed. “Those doors are done; we are going to have to replace them,” Wallace said.