Edgartown selectmen approve entertainment license

Edgartown selectmen discuss the town's business with town administrator James Hagerty. - Brian Dowd

After some discussion, Edgartown selectmen approved an entertainment license for Behind the Bookstore.

Selectman Arthur Smadbeck said the restaurant was out of compliance by playing amplified music before seeking a license. Despite this, the license request was approved, but selectmen warned owner Joyce Sudikoff that if there were any complaints from neighbors, she would have to come back to the selectmen.

Selectmen also shared their performance evaluations for harbormaster Charlie Blair, saying he “exceeds expectations.” 

Town administrator James Hagerty praised Blair’s work, and said docking and moorings were up 17 percent from last year, despite fuel issues that have troubled the town this summer. “That says a lot to Charlie’s ability to manage the harbor,” Hagerty said.

Blair thanked selectmen, but said harbor management was a team effort. “When you have a good team, it makes you look good,” Blair said.