Cribbage results


On Sept. 18 at 6 pm, the Vineyard Cribbage Club met at the P.A. Club in Oak Bluffs. 

Twenty-seven players showed up to compete in the weekly tournament. Six games are played, with two points for a win, zero for a loss, and three points for a skunk (a win greater than 30 points).

The results were as follows: First was Manny Jardin, Vineyard Haven, with a 12/6 card plus 71; second was George Giosmas, Oak Bluffs, with a 11/5 card plus 92; third was Bob Hakenson, Oak Bluffs, with a 10/5 card plus 68; fourth was Bryom Devine of Edgartown, with a 9/4 plus 68 card; fifth was Dan BenDavid, Oak Bluffs, with a 9/4 plus 70 card, and sixth place went to Roy Scheffer, Edgartown, with a 8/4 plus 44 card. The group as a whole had seven skunks, and a total of six 24-point hands.

On Sept. 25 at 6 pm, the Vineyard Cribbage Club met at the P.A. Club in Oak Bluffs. Twenty players showed up to compete in the weekly tournament.The results: First was Byrom Devine, Oak Bluffs, with a 13/6 plus 84 card; second was Ron Ferreira, Oak Bluffs, with a 12/5 plus 48 card; third was Ray Lincoln, Vineyard Haven, with a 10/4 plus 109 card; fourth was Merle Lincoln, Vineyard Haven, with a 9/4 plus 55 card; fifth was Manny Jardin, Oak Bluffs, with a 9/4 minus 11 card; sixth was Tony Rezendes, Oak Bluffs, with a 8/4 plus 28 card, and seventh was Roy Scheffer, Edgartown, with a 8/4 plus 2 card. The group as a whole had 11 skunks, and a total of four 24-point hands.

The next tournament will be on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the P.A. Club at 6 pm. The doors open at 5:30, and if you can play a game in 20 minutes or less, come by and check us out.