Jan. 27, Paul G. Arenstam and Charlene F. Reis sold 750 State Road and 26 State Road to Joseph Cotton Cunningham and Gwin Davis Cunningham for $700,000.
Jan. 27, Audrey H. Yett sold 106 Mattakesett Way to 106 Mattakesett Way LLC for $2,465,000.
Jan. 29, Ronald F. Purcell, Individually and as trustee of the Purcell Edgartown Trust, sold 3 Fourth St. North to Bryan D. Garrison and Kim M. Garrison for $615,000.
Jan. 29, Susan S. Stewart and Steven Scott Stewart sold 37 Morse St. to Burlington Investments LLC for $4,234,000.
Jan. 30, Arch Building & Home Development LLC sold 9 Prada’s Way to Christa Spates-Bell, trustee of YBD Realty Trust, for $2,295,000.
Jan. 31, Ann B. Floyd sold 135 Pennywise Path to Paul R. Beeson for $750,000.
Jan. 27, Island Dream Properties LLC sold 42 Paddock Road to Michael Weir and Mirian Graddick-Weir for $1,999,000.
Jan. 27, Gayla Medeiros, personal representative of the estate of Cora S. Medeiros, sold 82 Pennsylvania Ave. to William J. Carter for $650,000.
Jan. 30, Richard Masciotra and Ann Masciotra sold 26 Firehouse Lane to David P. Burgess for $769,000.
Jan. 31, Gregory E. Hines and Gail Merritt Hines sold 227 Buddy’s Drive to Ralston K. Francis, Mavis M. Francis, and Joseph J. Boxter for $927,000.
Jan. 31, Nature Conservancy sold 18 Helen Ave. to BioDiversityworks Inc. for $350,000.
Jan. 31, John W. Brazil Jr. and Deborah S. Goldstein sold 12 Menkens Lewis Way to James McKay Duncan and Hillary Harrell Ellison for $875,000.
Jan. 30, Beth Ann Serusa and Daniel C. Serusa sold 36 Oak Knoll Road to Edilson Demeireles, trustee of the Demeireles Nominee Trust, for $850,000.