Bridge results


At the March 2, 1:15 game of the Edgartown Bridge Club, 11 pairs competed in a club Charity Championship. First place went to Barbara Silk and Dave Donald, followed by Bea Phear and Michel Riel in second, Barbara Besse and Wink Winkelman in third, and Lolly Hand and Diane Drake in fourth place. At the game held on Feb. 24, seven pairs competed in an Education Foundation game. Finishing in first place were Bea Phear and Bari Boyer, followed by Ency Fokos and Caroline Baum in second. Tied for third place were Barbara Besse and Wink Winkelman, and Diana Dozier and Gerry Averill.

Six pairs competed in a Charity Championship game at the March 3, 7 pm game of the Martha’s Vineyard Bridge Club. Barbara Besse and Carol Whitmarsh finished in first place, followed by Dave Donald and Michel Riel in second. At the game held on Feb. 25, four pairs competed in a team-of-four event. Top scores went to Bari Boyer and Gerry Averill, who won three out of four matches. And on Feb. 18, six pairs competed in an Education Foundation game. First place went to Barbara Silk and Bari Boyer, followed by Bea Phear and Lolly Hand in second place.

And at the March 5, 2 pm game of the Island Bridge Club in Oak Bluffs, eight pairs competed. Finishing in first place were Barbara Besse and Wink Winkelman. Tied for second place were Bea Phear and Barbara Silk, and Rich Peia and John O’Keefe.