Jennifer Blecher’s middle grade book “Out of Place” is a good read for kids stuck at home during the coronavirus stay-at-home orders, especially Island kids who dream of escaping in such far away places as New York City.
The book’s main character, Cove Bernstein, is a 12-year-old who finds herself abandoned by her best friend who moves to the city with her parents. Cove feels “stuck” on Martha’s Vineyard, even though her mom tells her she has everything she needs right here.
Eventually, Cove comes to realize her Island home is not as bad as it sometimes seems, and along the way she makes new friendships even as she finds herself being bullied by classmates.
Right now, while students are feeling “stuck” themselves, they might find Blecher’s book relatable.
“Out of Place” is available online Bunch of Grapes,, or check with Edgartown Books at