“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my ship.” –Louisa May Alcott
This month’s full moon is the Worm moon, rising on March 18. Why such a name? Most of the moon names we know today came from Native American descriptions of what the moon signified in nature. The March full moon meant the worms would make their first appearance out of the thawing ground. Other names noted for the March moon also refer to bird behavior: Eagle Moon, Goose moon and Crow Comes Back moon. With 2022’s Worm moon taking place before the Spring Equinox, it’s not quite the end of winter, but close!
With daylight saving time back, we’re enjoying longer days, and so are the local chickens. Chickens respond to the increased light and warmer temperatures by laying more eggs. Hens require exposure to sunlight to produce eggs, which is why they lay less in the winter months. Did you know that free-range chickens produce eggs with deep yellow yolks that are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids? Their eggs have less cholesterol and fat than chickens raised in cages. Local eggs can be found at Cronig’s, Morning Glory Farm, Vineyard Grocer, and Ghost Island Farm, to name a few. Or you can get lucky like I did Sunday morning, when a neighbor gifted me a dozen colorful eggs from her chickens.
St. Patrick’s Day is March 17, although Irish people across the state have been celebrating all month. In my family, it was called the “high holy day,” but to us kids it meant we were having dinner at Nanny Daly’s even though it was a weeknight — and that dinner was going to be corned beef and cabbage. And there was going to be singing. “McNamara’s Band,” “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” “My Wild Irish Rose,” “Galway Bay,” and of course, “Danny Boy” would end the evening. My grandfather would stand and say, “Best we get to bed, Helen, so these people can go home.”
I saw the movie “Belfast” in my countdown to the Oscars, and it is a wonderful movie! The scenery, the history, and the family story bring to life the struggle in Northern Ireland between the Protestant/British and the Catholic/Irish. It was a complicated and violent time, and the movie brings it to a personal level.
Meals on Wheels is a great program of island Elderly Services. The meals are organized at the hospital and distributed by a group of volunteers every morning, Monday through Friday. They will also provide an extra meal for the weekend if needed, and special diets are accommodated. I have been delivering meals for them, and it is a very pleasant way to help our community members who are elderly, housebound, or maybe recuperating from illness. If you know anyone who could benefit from this service, or if you have a couple of hours a week you could spare to deliver meals, call Elderly Services at 508-693-4393.
The League of Women Voters continues its series of local candidate forums in partnership with MVTV. On March 31, the candidates for our Oak Bluffs select board will be featured: incumbent Gail Barmakian, challengers Jim Bishop and Dion Alley. Questions for the candidates can be sent to dmedders@vineyard.net.
The Family Center has a full calendar of activities for March, including play groups, parenting classes, Nurturing Fathers support group, pregnancy loss support, Cultural Cooking at home and dental clinics for children and adults. You can see the calendar on its Facebook page, email mvfamilycenter@gmail.com for more info, or call 508-687-9182.
Congratulations to the Vineyard Mariners Squirt C (U-10) team for coming back from a tough season to win the South Coast Hockey League championship in Rhode Island over last weekend! They were greeted upon their return to the Island on Sunday by a full parade of emergency vehicles, blaring horns, and cheering parents.
We note with sadness the passing of Josephine Tucker. Our deepest condolences to her wonderful family.
March birthdays include Karen Morris on the 18th, Pam Dumont and Jeanine DaSilva on the 19th, and Candace Jennings on the 21st. We celebrate Carol Vargo on the 22nd, and send big bunches of birthday wishes on the 23rd to Marcelle BenDavid and Sandra Macias. Sing “Happy Birthday” to musician and horse whisperer Jennifer Weiland on the 24th.
I leave you with this Irish blessing: “May your heart be light and happy, may your smile be big and wide, and may your pockets always have a coin or two inside.”
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