Tisbury Council on Aging

Tisbury Council on Aging on Pine Tree Road. — Eunki Seonwoo

55 Plus Tisbury MAY 2022 

Classes and activities are in session.

We provide services, supports, food distribution, wellness and blood pressure clinic, 

diabetes support, and fuel assistance.                                                                        

Activities to enjoy:

Hello! We encourage you to explore, get fit, meditate, relax, play, laugh! 


Walk and Talk, short walk outside. Keep fit as we age! Begins May 2. 1 pm.                                                                                                     

Make Creative Colorful Cards, 5.5 x 4.25, unique and fun! Materials provided. 10:45 am.


Fitness with Catie, 10 am.                                                         

Your Favorite Books/Author, and Why!/short discussion. 11 am.

Yoga Meditation with Steve, 3 pm.                                 


Play Reading, followed with discussion, 9-11 am. 

Ukulele Players, 1-3 pm.


Fitness with Catie, 10 am.

Discussion Group, 11 am. Topic continues: “Positivity Matters!”                                       

4 Kings Corner, Fun Card Game, 1:30 pm. 


Party Bridge with Trudy, 1 pm.

Aging is a process. Our goal is to offer joy, happiness, and fun by way of helping to keep active, and connecting our “agingness” to life at its best. Some activities may seem new to you, some are new to us too! Don’t be shy, just stop by!


Food Distribution – May 3 and 17, 10 am – noon

Wellness and Blood Pressure Clinic – May 3 from 10:30 – 11:30 am

Legal Clinic with Arthur Bergeron – May 12, 1-3 p.m. Call for an appointment, 508-696-4205.

SHINE – May 19, from 9 am – noon. If you need help with supplemental insurance to Medicare, call for an appointment at 508-696-4205.

May 16 – Diabetes Support Group, 1 – 2 pm with Lila Fischer, RN. Topic to be determined. We welcome new participants to the group. For information, call 508-696-4205.

May 30 – Center is closed for Memorial Day.

We are hoping to provide a van to do shopping/errands for Tisbury older adults one day a week. Call Joyce at 508-696-4205. This is provided through the efforts of Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living and the Council on Aging.