Chilmark: Slow Down for Stella

Beetlebung Farm readies for the arrival of their new barn on Middle Road. — Valerie Sonnenthal

You could construe Middle Road just north of town hall as a massive construction zone with a mountain of dirt rising from Beetlebung Farm, as tall as nearby trees, while just west of the Yard you can see the “big diggers” at work, and even get free fill. Along our beaches you can watch the return of summer stairs being fit into place, and see the blond wood repairs and replacement pieces, looking like they’re floating in air from a distance in certain light.

Maybe we need a Slow Down for Stella sign at Beetlebung Corner, now that Beetlebung Farm’s cat has taken to regularly visiting town hall, the library, the CCC, and the bank.

Please enjoy June Manning’s memorial bench, handcrafted in stone by Alan Gowell, which has been set at the Gay Head Lighthouse; thanks to the Coast Guard Spouses Association of Menemsha and all the donors to this special project.

Lia Littlefield-Kahler’s death was a complete shock to me. She reached out, and I was thrilled to participate in a couple of her winter holiday Offerings of Music and Light at the Chilmark Community Church. She was a high-energy inspiration, to say the very least. My heart goes out to her husband Thomas Huber, and her family and friends worldwide.

All are welcome to celebrate the life of Zeke, Paul Joseph Wilkins, on Saturday, May 14, from 2 to 5 pm at the Ag Hall. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share. As Zeke would say, “All you need is love and doughnuts.” Memories can be shared with the family at

Menemsha is coming back to life. Stop by Pandora’s Box, open Friday, May 13, to Sunday, May 15, and open daily for the season starting Friday, May 21, open 11 am to 5 pm. Menemsha

Beetlebung Boutique is restocked, and reopens Saturday, May 14, from 11 am to 5 pm. The Copperworks, open year-round, continues regular hours.

Be sure to check the Climate Action Week schedule at; happenings, info, and more all week.

Salt Rock Chocolate Pop-Ups continue through May, both Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 10 am to 1 pm (or whenever they run out of chocolate).

See Laura Murphy’s painting exhibit (daughter of painter Stan Murphy), up through May at the West Tisbury library.

This month’s Adult Craft at the Chilmark library is Saturday, May 14, at 4 pm, when you will learn to make a Graduated Specimen Box (box supplied by the library for this virtual program). Master gardener Joan Butler will offer “Birdscaping: Home Sweet Habitat,” on Monday, May 16, at 7 pm to explore the importance of creating welcoming habitats for birds through thoughtful landscape choices, including native plants vital for food and nesting sites. Peaked Hill Studio’s Community Yoga class is free online Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. Email to sign up and get the Zoom program links. The Afterschool Lego Club meets every Wednesday from 3 to 4 pm in the Meeting Room. In-person Storytime has returned, Saturdays at 11 am. Take and Make crafts continue on Thursdays. Masks required for all ages 2 and up. For further assistance, call 508-645-3360 or email See

Check It’s a Chilmark Thing on Facebook for up-to-date information about our town and Island.

Have a good week.