Proactively keep the peace


To the Editor:

Who is responsible for enforcing noise violations, including from boaters on Oak Bluffs Harbor? Why are those violations not being enforced proactively? 

On Friday night (July 15), a boat in a slip on near Summercamp was playing loud music for hours on end, at midnight and beyond. On Saturday night/Sunday morning, a boat (likely the same) was playing loud music all evening, and as late as 3 am. 

 While we enjoy the energy that goes on around the O.B. waterfront during the day and early evening, how about drawing a common-sense line in the sand and enforcing some basic good-neighbor rules to the discourteous few? This is an unnecessary nuisance to other boaters trying to sleep, as well as to residents and guests near the harbor. It’s not OK to appease a small group of selfish individuals at the expense of others. Please proactively keep the peace. 


Lou Quattrucci
Oak Bluffs