Poet’s Corner


December Holly
By Liz Splittgerber

One merry waxen Holly
Bejeweled with grace
One rising morning sun
Showing her night-chilled face

Two oak leaves shivering
Among Lambs Ear & Sassafras
Two ripe Cotoneaster berries
Asleep in the arms of Vinca &

Just a few minutes in the cold
To capture the shadow & light
Just a few minutes alone
After a long wintry night

Forthcoming, another Christmas
With the hope that it brings
A moment in nature is all I need
To reawaken my spring

December Holly to cheer my
December, don’t go, remain &
  do not yet part…

Born in Newburyport, and a longtime resident of upstate New York, Liz Splittgerber is a new resident of Vineyard Haven, mom to three school-age children, and wife of the Rev. Matthew Splittgerber.