Well, we actually had a white Christmas. Though I’m not a fan of snow, as you know, it certainly did make for a beautiful and tranquil feeling for the holiday, and actually help boost my holiday spirit a tad. Lights looked beautiful against the bed of white snow, the trees looked like a picture from a storybook, and it kept us home, cooking and relaxing by the woodstove, which was lovely. Driving was a bit treacherous, and of course, boats didn’t run, complicating travel plans for so many. But the Patriot Boat ran on Christmas Eve to bring Island-bound peeps back to M.V., and get about a dozen stranded UPS drivers from the island back to the Cape. Hats off to the Patriot crew for running a special boat, and making a Christmas miracle happen for all those folks.
I spoke with Jean Bishop this week about the holiday dinner the Edgartown Police held for community members. She couldn’t say enough about all the hard work that the Edgartown officers put into preparing, cooking, and serving a delicious meal. And as an honored guest, Jean was very delighted to be served first by her great-granddaughter, the daughter of Edgartown Officer Will Bishop! I’ve heard wonderful things from many others who went to this dinner as well. What a wonderful event to hold for this small Island community. Hats off to the EPD for taking the time to host so many during the busy holiday season.
Mrs. Bishop also wanted to wish Edgartown boy and Oak Bluffs Police Officer Jimmy Bishop a very happy birthday. He will be celebrating his special day on Jan. 5. If you see him, be sure to wish him a very happy birthday.
Other birthday wishes go out this week to Jennifer Abreu on Dec. 27, Amy Sullivan on Dec. 28, Beth O’Connor on Dec. 29, Leanna Fisher on Dec. 31, and last but not least, to my other half, Don Casey, on Jan. 3.
Are you a New Year’s resolution person? I am not. That being said, I did recently join the YMCA to try to get back into exercising. Not really a resolution, but just getting myself back on track. I’ve eaten a lot of feelings this year, and have not kept up with my running. That’s a bad combination. My workout partner and I have exercised together for about eight years, running, biking, and some weight work. But our schedules haven’t matched up for quite some time, and I’ve fallen off the wagon in a big way, though he has continued to exercise regularly. I’m anxious to get back at it, as it is good for my health and good for my head as well. I know it will be slow going getting back into shape, but I figure a couple of months in the gym and I should be ready to get myself back out running around town again, or biking on the less windy and brisk days. Anyone else getting on the workout bandwagon?
The winter solstice has passed, and the days are starting, ever so slightly, to get longer again. January and February can be long months, but it is nice to have just a wee bit more daylight each day. It’s so good for our health to get some vitamin D through sunshine. And if we dress appropriately, we can still get outside many days during the winter for some fresh air. What are some of your secrets for making it through winter? Are you a winter lover, or not so much? Share your secrets with me, and I’ll share them with my readers out there too.
It’s a very short column this week. It seems to be a bit of a sleepy week here on M.V. Not much news has come my way, and I’m struggling to find some things to do to share with you all. With school break being a relatively short one this year, in comparison with other years, it seems that everyone is just hunkering down and enjoying some down time for the week, before school opens again on Jan. 3.
Here’s hoping 2023 is a positive, healthy, and happy year for us all. It’s been a rough few years. We need a nice, solid, positive year for a change. May it be 2023. If you are out celebrating New Year’s Eve, please be careful. Celebrate responsibly, and don’t drink and drive. We want everyone to get home safely after ringing in the New Year. Happy New Year to us all.