Poet’s Corner: ‘Greetings from the Vineyard’


Greetings from the Vineyard
By Fran Schumer

I’m on my island,
you’re on yours
on the 31st floor
of building three —
The Coleridge.

Forgive me if I say
you are the albatross
around my neck
as I once was around yours.

You worried about me
during my bad girl time,
wanted to call every day
but didn’t. You had
to let me grow up.

Now I worry about you,
want to call every day,
rush home, but don’t.
I have to let you grow old.

Fran Schumer writes poetry and prose from her home in Oak Bluffs. She won a Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing poetry fellowship in 2021, and was a winner of the Martha’s Vineyard Poet Laureate’s Contest in 2022. Her book, “Weight,” is available on Amazon. A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., her heart belongs there and here.

Poets with a connection to Martha’s Vineyard are encouraged to submit poems to curator Laura Roosevelt at ldroosevelt@gmail.com.