Neighbors concerned for Montessori school expansion


To the Editor:

Consideration of this most recent prediction as expressed in last week’s MV Times, of the Montessori school’s fifty percent anticipated enrollment increase, needs to consider also the traffic circulation implications to and from Main st. onto or off, Tashmoo Ave. here in Vineyard Haven.

As the unfortunate primary abutter in my circa 1880 historical Victorian home, first utilized as the parsonage to the Grace Episcopal Church, originally housed in the current UU chapel on Main St., then as the residence of Captain Ralph Packer, in the 1940’s, our family next became its owners. Over the last 44 years I have witnessed many changes to the corner location of my beloved home in this formerly tranquil neighborhood.

Tashmoo Ave. is the only two way street in town, available to drivers,  numerous large trucks, boats on trailers in summer, in addition to vehicles of all shapes and sizes which are constantly  compelled to use Tashmoo Ave. to exit or descend from Franklin Ave. to Vineyard Haven’s Main St.

With the ever increasing growth of the very successful original nursery school, now proud to announce its program through to the eighth grade, this expansion negatively will impact even more so, on the ability during the week, for maneuvering of traffic up and down Tashmoo Ave.

Montessori staff daily has begun to park their individual cars along Tashmoo on the side of the street opposite the school’s entrance  and parents pick up and disgorge their children in a convenient U turn on the Montessori property but  alongside  my home until able to enter the school grounds.

I foresee ever increasing traffic problems and potential for accidents with such a confluence of vehicles throughout the week days, year long, as summer camp replaces their regular school.

There is no doubt the need exists for childcare and I am most sympathetic having taught  students for decades. However, the current and potential extraordinary usage of Tashmoo Ave. now confronted with a doubling of young clientele, suggests that  future traffic issues, in addition to all day parking by increased staff, coupled with Tashmoo being the only two way street in town, will increasingly become untenable. Selectmen kindly take note.


Doreen Kinsman

Vineyard Haven