Edgartown Council on Aging: August 2023

The Anchors, home of the Edgartown Council on Aging. — MV Times

Edgartown Council on Aging
The Anchors at 10 Daggett St.
Lyndsay Famariss

Weekly Events


  • 12:30 pm: Bridge


  • 10 am: Knitting
  • 12 pm: Tuesday lunch
  • 1 pm: Mahjong


  • 9:30 am: Tai Chi with Nan Doty
  • 12:30 pm: Bridge


  • 9:30 am: Poetry on Zoom
  • 11 am: Ted Talks & Conversations


  • 9:30 am: Mindful Meditation on Zoom
  • 12 pm: Friday Cafe
  • 1 pm: Mahjong



Please visit edgartowncoa.com for more information on programs and services. All are welcome to attend. You must register for programs in advance by calling 508-627-4368.

Tuesday and Friday lunch information: The meal is served at noon. Feel free to come anytime after 11 am to join us, meet your friends, and have some conversation. We ask that you call by noon the day before, at the latest, to register. No lunch on August 25.

  • July 31, 10 am: Nancy Lotz presents: The Osage Nation in Oklahoma – In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage nation. Why? Because oil was discovered beneath their land. Members of the tribe started dying under mysterious circumstances. As the death toll climbed, the newly-formed FBI put together a team to expose one of the most chilling conspiracies in American history.
  • August 3, 1 pm: Bingo
  • August 7, 10 am: Nancy Lotz presents: James Garfield. He was the 20th President of the U.S. and one of the most extraordinary men ever elected to office. He was a scholar, a general in the Civil War, a congressman and the nominee of the Republican Party. After four months in office, he was shot and suffered for weeks as his doctors argued over his medical care. His seemed to be a needless death.
  • August 10, 1 pm: “80 for Brady,” 2023 film. 1 hour, 38 minutes. Four best friends live life to the fullest when they embark on a wild trip to see their hero, Tom Brady, play in the 2017 Super Bowl.
  • August 11: Lunch & Learn with Natasha Snowden of Rehabilitation and Wellness at M.V. Hospital talks about fall prevention.
  • August 17: Bingo
  • August 24, 2 pm: Michael Quinlan lecture on General Douglas McArthur. Please note this will be a Zoom presentation. Call or register on the web for the Zoom link.
  • August 25: Please note there will be no Friday Cafe on Friday, August 25.