Cribbage Club results


Twenty members of the Vineyard Cribbage Club met on Wednesday night at the American Legion Hall in Edgartown to play our favorite game of cribbage. The results are as follows:

First place, Louis Larsen with a 12/5 +99 card
Second place, Tony Rezendes with a 11/5 +78 card
Third place, David Pothier with a 11/5 +69 card
Fourth place, Suzanne Cioffi with a 8/4 +33 card

There were two 24-point hands, both by Sharon Barba. There were three flushes in the crib by David Pothier, Tricia Bergeron, and Ken Scott.

We play every Wednesday if you would like to join us. We have food to share at 5:30 pm, and we start play at 6 pm SHARP.