For our readers


The MV Times welcomes Letters to the Editor on topics that are of interest and relevant to Islanders. Recently we have received a large number of letters, which is great, but an increasing percentage of these letters are weighing in on topics far beyond our shores, such as the war in Ukraine, the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the harsh partisanship of the presidential election, and other topics more global than local in nature. 

While we are interested in and care deeply about what is happening in the world, we are first and foremost a local news organization, focusing on events and news that impact the lives of our Island readership. 

Our Island is facing issues every day that range from the controversial to the practical. They include the education of our children, the impacts of climate change, the changing demographic of an increasingly diverse community, the care of our elders, holding our public officials accountable, and making sure all members of our community are represented and, when appropriate, celebrated in our news pages. Telling these stories is the responsibility of a good local news organization, and we want to hear your assessment of how we are doing. We invite your thoughts on how our community can work together to find solutions to the challenges we face. We hope you, our readers, continue to share your thoughts, opinions, and ideas so that we can amplify the voices of our community. We hope to hear from you soon.

Letters must include the name, address, and phone number of the writer. No exceptions, no anonymous letters, no pen names. All letters are subject to editing for style, taste, sense, and conciseness. A thousand words is the outer limit. We publish most letters, but not all. The editor chooses. Letters will typically be published in the week they are received, but not always. The Times accepts letters by mail, email to, and online at via a submissions link at