Oak Bluffs tree stewards set spring planting date


The Oak Bluffs tree stewards have set Saturday, April 20, as their community spring tree planting date. The goal of the effort is to plant trees that will provide wildlife habitat, increased canopy diversity, cooling shade, and climate change mitigation and resilience.

Community volunteers are needed to help plant; dig, mulch, water, stake, and provide refreshments. Meet at 9 am at Niantic Park, across the street from the Council on Aging building on Wamsutta Avenue. Teams will split up to plant trees at Niantic, Nashawena, and Viera parks. Trees to be planted include white oak, scarlet oak, serviceberry, hornbeam, American elm, red maple, linden, and sycamore.

The Oak Bluffs tree stewards organization is an outgrowth of the Oak Bluffs climate and energy advisory committee’s effort to get more community members aware of what they can do to help mitigate climate change. With the help of the chair of the O.B. parks commission, Tony Lima, and parks manager, Chris Joyce, and co-founders Peter Meleney and Kelly Joyce, community volunteers planted 10 trees last fall. The trees are purchased with donations by community members.

Bring your own garden gloves. The O.B. tree stewards and the O.B. parks commission will provide tools and materials. With enough volunteers, all 10 bare-root trees can be planted before noon.

The organization plans to continue planting trees in Oak Bluffs parks in the spring and fall with the help of community volunteers and the support of the town of Oak Bluffs.

For more information, email the Oak Bluffs tree stewards at obtreestewards@gmail.com, or on Facebook: bit.ly/3TXlIpt.