“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” –Cynthia Ozick
That seems like a great quote for Mother’s Day, because who gets more taken for granted than mothers? It’s kind of by design. Mothers work hard behind the scenes, hoping to give their children what they need to go forward into their own lives, and find success and happiness. They don’t do it for applause, and they actually don’t want any spotlight on them. That is because mothers are just trying to do their best, without any formal instruction in the art and practice of parenthood. Yes, the truth is that most mothers are just winging it, and hoping for the best. The actual goal is to be unseen, in the wings, ready with a hug, a Band-Aid or a shoulder to lean on.
But someone created Mother’s Day, so there could be one day when the spotlight IS on the moms, and they will accept accolades and gifts. It is this Sunday, May 12, so don’t miss this chance to thank your mom. If your mom is no longer with us, just set aside some time to feel grateful to her and do what she would like the most — be happy.
If you’re looking for something fun to do, the Minnesinger spring show is a perfect Mother’s Day outing! The show this year is titled “Liebeslieder,” or Love Songs. The shows will include song, dance, flowers, and refreshments, and the tickets are only $15 ($10 for seniors, $5 for students). Shows are at the MVRHS Performing Arts Center on Friday, May 10, at 7 pm and Saturday, May 11, at 2 pm.
Dolores Borza let us know with sadness that Marion Cardoza passed away peacefully on May 1. Marion would have turned 103 on May 12. She was a well-known Islander, and she touched many lives through her many jobs and with her infectious, joyful spirit.
My condolences to her family, especially Lillian and Dolores.
Oh baby! There will be a community baby shower to celebrate all expectant parents at May 11 from 12 to 2 pm. It will be on the lawn at the M.V. Family Center on Greenwood Avenue, Vineyard Haven. This is a really fun event, with gifts, games, raffles, and food. Please preregister to join the party by calling the Family Center at 508-687-9182, or email mvfamilycenter@gmail.com. This is a collaboration between the M.V. Family Center and Island Wide Youth Collaborative, as a gift to the entire community.
The Community Greenhouse opens the season with its spring sales over Mother’s Day weekend. Greenhouse members can shop on Friday, May 10, and Saturday, May 11, 10 am to 4 pm. You can become a member, by the way! It’s a great way to support the Greenhouse and get discounted pricing. Bring cash or a check for payment, and pick from their amazing selection of plants, veggies, herbs, and flowers. The Greenhouse will open to the public on Sunday, May 12.
You can get rid of those old machines and gizmos cluttering your storage on Saturday, May 18. It is Electronics Disposal and Shred Day, from 9 am to 2 pm at the MVRHS parking lot. There is a list of items accepted, and pricing, at mvcommunityservices.org. All proceeds will benefit M.V. Community Services and the high school junior class.
Happy birthday to Diane Sylvia and Jamie Boyle on May 9. On the 10th, we say “Happy Birthday” to David Leo, we remember Primo Lombardi, and send birthday wishes to Primo Jr. on the 11th. Shirley Washington celebrates her day on the 12th. Best birthday greetings to Kelli Pecararo on May 14!
Send me your news!
If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Joanne Lambert, joannelamber@gmail.com.