Saturday morning, Nov. 16. The air was clear and crisp, with only a touch of cold. The sky was cornflower blue, and the sun was dancing on the gently moving water. About 200 people stood on the shore at Squibnocket, assembled to commemorate the life of 16-year-old Waylon Sauer, whom we lost one year ago. The gathering was for what is called a paddle-out, a time when surfers gather to mourn one of their own. The group was called together by Waylon’s friends at the high school, and the wetsuit-clad bunch included people from age 7 to well into middle age, all looking like sleek black seals as they paddled out, gathered into a circle, held hands, gave a few minutes to silent contemplation, and finally cheered for Waylon, splashing the water in joyful tribute to his spirit. On the shore were Waylon’s family, members of the Wampanoag Tribe, Aquinnah neighbors, and parents of the kids in the water. There were family dogs roaming about, babies in slings on their parents’ chests, palpable love and kindness everywhere. It was a fitting tribute to a young man who will always be remembered for just those very qualities.
Also on that Saturday, there was an open house held by the Friends of the Aquinnah Library. The little library was filled with people who came to pay tribute to the library staff, and to sign on to help out when needed. The indomitable Molly Purves was there, ready to retire from her years of helping to steer the Friends group. She has earned accolades, as well as a rest for all that hard work. People are now ready to step in, but you can stop by the Friends table at the Aquinnah Artisans Fair (Dec. 7-8 at the Town Hall) and thank her yourself, as she will still be there, helping out as always, and you can sign up to join the Friends.
If you don’t wish to cook this Thanksgiving, Juli Vanderhoop has a great opportunity available for you. Her Orange Peel Bakery, together with Black Joy, is offering up a harvest feast for you to preorder and take home. There are packages for a family of four to eight people, or for a family of eight to 10. You can also order à la carte. For more information, or to pr-order (which is required no later than Saturday, Nov. 23 at 6 pm), you can go to the Orange Peel website, or call 508-645-2025.
In preparation for singing at a town holiday party on the Winter Solstice, Laura Jordan-Decker and Kate Taylor are inviting young and old to come and rehearse together. They’ll be rehearsing every Saturday between now and then, from 3:30 until 5:30 pm. If you want further information, contact Laura at
The Aquinnah select board has called a public hearing on Friday, Nov. 22, at 10 am. The hearing will be held in person and on Zoom. The subject of the hearing will be the percentages of the tax levy to be borne by each class of real property for fiscal year 2025. Attend if you can; they want to hear from you. Contact the Town Hall for further information.
There are birthdays to cheer for this week. On Nov. 22, it’s Ryan Bodnar’s day. On Nov. 23, it’s Billie Diamond Vanderhoop Shephard who will be celebrated, and on Nov. 27, it is Kate Murphy Kausch’s day.
If you have any Aquinnah Town Column suggestions, email Kathie Olson,