Poet’s Corner: Pond song


Pond song
By Linda Comstock

vineyard sweet momma girl
broad starlight, myriad pearl
late night’s gift looks me in face
dark flat pond my arms embrace.

smooth silk skin cohesion break
diving in Menemsha lake
plunging depths with arms swayed back
breathing bubbles breaking black.

shimmering darts of plankton fly
bouncing back from moonlit sky
insects creak and fauna heave
harvest breast sighs its reprieve.

forever flows this still flat mirror
naked as the sheep are sheared
we sing about the purity
that blesses deep in you and me.

Linda Comstock loves words. And music. She’s entered three songs into the American Songwriting Contest, and is thrilled to know that she has a 1 out of 3,638,422 chance of winning a recording contract.

Poets with a connection to Martha’s Vineyard are encouraged to submit poems to community@mvtimes.com. Please include a two- or three-sentence bio.