After nearly three decades, Edgartown harbormaster Charlie Blair is set to retire in the spring.
Through a letter read aloud at an Edgartown select board meeting on Monday, Blair thanked the town for their dedication to keeping the waters protected, and he noted that it was a great honor to serve in the role. But he explained that due to medical reasons, he would be leaving his position.
“I’ve been blessed to be able to work for the town. I’ve loved my thirty years. I’ve worn your badge of honor and I wish I could continue…” Blair said.
Blair’s retirement will go into effect on March 27, which also serves as his 30th anniversary date of his service as harbor master. Edgartown town administrator James Hagerty said that the town is working actively to fill this position before summertime.
“It’s a big loss,” Hagerty said.
Select board member Arthur Smadbeck reflected: “He’s been amazing for the town and it’s going to be a big loss and hard shoes to fill.”