Dec. 21
Luis F. Santiago, Vineyard Haven, 18; unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation, case closed.
Dec. 23
Tamara J. King, Vineyard Haven, 50; assault and battery on a household member, malicious destruction of property, marked lanes violation, leaving scene of property damage, arraigned and held, bail set at $500 with potential for bail revocation, continued to pretrial hearing.
Dec. 26
Brian P. Donegan, Vineyard Haven, 28; assault and battery, disorderly conduct, arraigned and released on personal recognizance, condition to stay away from and not contact alleged victim, continued to pretrial hearing.
Dec. 30
Corey S. Smith, Edgartown, 31; assault and battery, arraigned and released on personal recognizance, a condition to seek employment, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jennifer Burkin, Chilmark, 55; violation of abuse prevention order, arraigned and released on personal recognizance, condition to abide by active conditions, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jan. 1
Meirilucia Nunes, Vineyard Haven, 43; assault and battery with dangerous weapon, arraigned and held, bail set at $1000 with potential for bail revocation, condition to stay away from and not contact alleged victim and no alcohol, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jan. 2
Sophia O. Sobel, Falmouth, 30; assault and battery with dangerous weapon (two counts), destruction of property, arraigned and released on personal recognizance, continued to pretrial hearing.
Sergey M. Bernier, Chilmark, 28; unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, operating under the influence of liquor, no inspection sticker, state highway traffic violation, arraigned and held, bail set at $100 with potential for bail revocation, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jan. 3
Valney G. De Azevedo, Vineyard Haven, 38; negligent operation of a motor vehicle, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, failure to yield at intersection, arraigned and released on personal recognizance, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jan. 10
Fiama V. Desouza, Vineyard Haven, 31; unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation, turned self in, arraigned and released, case closed.
Cesar D. Silva, Vineyard Haven, 22; unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, miscellaneous motor vehicle equipment violations, arraigned and released on personal recognizance, continued to pretrial hearing.
Cesar D. Silva, Vineyard Haven, 22; assault with a dangerous weapon, arraigned and held, conditions to stay away and not contact alleged victim, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jan. 13
Lucas E. Ramsey, Vineyard Haven, 34; uninsured motor vehicle, case closed.
Diana M. Lozano, Wellfleet, 41; uninsured motor vehicle, no inspection sticker, unregistered motor vehicle, arraigned and held, case closed.
Shane K. True, Vineyard Haven, 42; use of motor vehicle without authority, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, arraigned and held, continued to pretrial hearing.
Jan. 17
Leandro S. Martins, Oak Bluffs, 27; unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, no inspection sticker, arraigned and held, continued to pretrial hearing.
Herik H. Defreitas, Edgartown, 20; negligent operation of a motor vehicle, arraigned and released on public recognizance, continued to pretrial hearing.