Amid the down-pouring rains and heavy winds, young artist Alexae Levin displayed her work at Featherstone Gallery last Thursday evening.
Using a wide variety of mediums such as watercolor, oil paint, pencil, and charcoal, Alexae’s pieces usually focused on one figure, made unique with details and bright color.
Alexae is a 16-year-old sophomore at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School. Joining her for the reception, along with her guidance counselor and many friend and fans, was her independent study teacher, Janice Frame. Though she does not see herself as Alexae’s teacher, she sees herself as someone who is there to support the artist’s talents.
“I can’t teach her anything. This is her,” Ms. Frame says, pointing to the gallery walls lined with Alexae’s work. “It’s beyond anything I can teach her. She works through her life’s pathways, and is a beautiful spirit.”
It is inevitable in the detail of her work that Alexae puts a lot of time into her pieces. According to Ms. Frame, the artist doesn’t sleep on some nights, and paints until the morning.
“She can’t be contained,” Ms. Frame says. “For her to be contained is to put the brakes on all of this.”
With an interest in writing as well as art, Alexae is ready to get off the Island. “I’m going to move away from here as quickly as possible,” Alexae says.