December 18, 2008
Tucker C. Smith, Chilmark; DOB 9/5/84, operating motor vehicle with suspended license and possession of Class D drug (marijuana): continued to pretrial conference.
December 22, 2008
Paul J. Sergi, Brockton; DOB 9/22/68, negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
January 2, 2009
Kamal W. Johnson, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/5/81, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle, no inspection/sticker, number plate violation: continued to pretrial conference.
William L. Scott, Cambridge: DOB 4/4/80, negligent operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation and speeding: continued to pretrial conference.
Veronica Sohn, Preston, CT: DOB 4/4/54, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, marked lanes violation and unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Philip A. Tucker, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/23/60, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued to pretrial conference.
January 5, 2009
Michael M. Alberice, West Tisbury; DOB 11/18/89, OUI-liquor or .08%: continued without finding for one year, must attend driver alcohol education program and pay program fee, $250 state fee, 210-day loss of license, must pay $50 VDD, $50 VW, and $65 PSF; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed; possession of liquor by person under 21: six months pretrial probation.
Brian R. Dube, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/21/88, selling/delivering liquor to person under 21: continued without finding for one year, must pay $50 VW, $21 PSF and complete 24 hours of community service.
Elecia B. Geddis, Carver: DOB 11/12/75, no inspection/sticker, operating motor vehicle with suspended registration, subsequent offense, and uninsured motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Paul C. Jackson, 3rd, West Tisbury; DOB 3/23/83, negligent operation of motor vehicle and marked lanes violation: continued to pretrial conference.
Mark C. Martin, Vineyard Haven; DOB 12/1/66, motor vehicle lights violation: not responsible; failure to stop/yield: not responsible; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: dismissed; no inspection/sticker: not responsible; uninsured motor vehicle: continued without finding for six months.
Barry K. Mcguire, Edgartown; DOB 8/15/69, assault and battery: continued to pretrial conference.
Colin P. Murphy, Edgartown; DOB 5/25/80, operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: to be dismissed upon payment of $50 court cost; unregistered motor vehicle: not responsible; speeding in violation of special regulation: responsible, must pay $50 fine and $50 HIF.
David C. Murphy, Edgartown; DOB 5/31/55, traffic violation on a State highway: not responsible; negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued without finding for one year, must pay $250 HIF; OUI-liquor or .08%, 2nd offense: guilty, must attend driver alcohol education program and pay program fee, $250 state fee, 45-day loss of license, must pay $50 VDD, $50 VW, and $65 PSF.
John Polydores, Worcester; DOB 7/5/82, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: guilty, ten days in the house of correction deemed served; crosswalk violation: responsible, filed.
Richard Shepard 2nd, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/14/80, operating motor vehicle with suspended registration, uninsured motor vehicle and license not in possession: continued to pretrial conference.
January 8, 2009
Aaron Joshua Blake, Oak Bluffs; DOB 5/12/87, possession of Class B drug (Ecstasy), guilty, six months probation, must pay $50 VW and PSF waived.
Devalmir Dasilva, Vineyard Haven; DOB 6/23/69, marked lanes violation: responsible, must pay $100 fine; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $200 court cost.
Carlos V. Ferreira, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/30/84, speeding in violation of special regulation: responsible, must pay $100 fine; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $200 court cost and completion of 16 hours of community service; possession/use of false/stolen Registry of Motor Vehicle document: continued without finding for six months, must pay $21 PSF.
Joaquim B. Freitas, Oak Bluffs; DOB 10/15/54, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $400 court cost; possession/use of false/stolen Registry of Motor Vehicle document: dismissed.
Nicholas A. Hathaway, Edgartown; DOB 11/7/87, possession of liquor by person under 21, receiving stolen property under $250 and speeding: continued to pretrial conference.
Aline Honorato, Edgartown; DOB 4/21/84, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost; failure to yield at intersection: responsible, must pay $35 fine.
Rafael N. Louback, Vineyard Haven; DOB 3/4/83, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $200 court cost; unsafe operation of motor vehicle: responsible, must pay $35 fine.
Junior DeSouza Oliveira, Vineyard Haven; DOB 5/9/85, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost; speeding in violation of special regulation: responsible, must pay $50 fine.
Armando L. Ribeiro, Edgartown; DOB 10/30/81, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $500 court cost; marked lanes violation: responsible, filed.
Jose Ribeiro, Edgartown; DOB 12/2/70, operating motor vehicle with suspended license and unregistered motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Josemar Ribeiro, Edgartown; DOB 6/3/67, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost.
Leo Willoughby, Edgartown; DOB 7/18/57, breaking and entering a building during daytime for misdemeanor: guilty – one year in the house of correction, to serve 60 days with the balance suspended, one year probation.
January 12, 2009
Carlos Magri, Vineyard Haven; DOB 7/10/84, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued to pretrial conference.
Sofia A. Thanhauser, West Tisbury, DOB 3/5/84, OUI-liquor or .08%, negligent operation of motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation and motor vehicle lights violation: continued to pretrial conference.