

We have all lost someone special with the death of Betty Honey. She leaves many friends across the Island.

Debbie Rogers says that on Friday you can dance and party at the Jimmy Buffet Night for Brenda Lehman. The fun begins at 6 pm at the P.A. Club. Bring food to share. You can get your $20 tickets from Debbie, Barbara Phillips, and Betsy Macdonald. A limited number will be available at the door.

This Saturday the Vineyard Conservation Society hosts the 18th Annual Earth Day Beach Clean Up from 10 am until 12 noon. Liz Packer invites all participants to come to SBS for a hot dog, music by Phil DaRosa, and see new baby lambs. There is an ad in today’s Times listing all the beaches. Up-Island has been poorly attended in past years, so you are encouraged to bring the whole family to Lobsterville, Gay Head (Moshup Beach), Squibnocket, Menemsha, Cedar Tree Neck, and Lambert’s Cove. Just show up and someone will be there with bags, gloves, etc.

The school holiday week is full of activities. Monday is the birthday party for Shakespeare. The performance at 1:30 pm at the Tisbury Senior Center will be followed by the cake cutting. I think I told you last week that Queen Elizabeth II will preside over the cake-cutting party at the Folger Theatre. You can toast her with your tea because her birthday is next Wednesday. She will be 84.

Olivia the Pig, in life size, will visit the little ones for songs, stories, and fun at the library at 10 and 11 am on Tuesday. Wednesday is a free film with popcorn for ages four and up at 1 pm. We understand that penguins will join friends for fun and adventure.

At least one non-perishable food item for the Island Food Pantry is needed to get you in to the special showing on Wednesday at 4:30 pm at the Capawock Theatre. The film is “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial.”

Ginger Duarte says guests are welcome at the Garden Club meeting on Tuesday. The lecture is about perennials. The guest fee is $5. Call 693-5334 for more. It starts at 1 pm.

I told Richard Paradise that I was sorry to miss the Irish film called “The Secret of Kells.” Several people reported that it was very good, with hand-drawn animation. I asked Richard to let me know if the film will be shown again this summer. He did suggest it was likely to be at Island Entertainment on DVD as soon as it is released. It seems Anne Evasick enjoyed the film, but her son missed it because of a baseball game. I will keep you informed.

The monthly library book sale is this Saturday from 1 to 3 pm. Load up now for books for the beach and for your guest bedroom. You need to buy some of these books because the library does not have space to store all the donations. By the way, don’t put your donated books in the book drop. That can delay the return of borrowed books. If you are spring cleaning and have books to donate, check with the desk.

While I am on the topic of donated books, I am looking for sports-related books in large print. My phone and email are at the top of the column.

Don’t forget to vote on April 27. That’s a week from Tuesday. The polls are open from 12 noon to 8 pm at the Legion Hall. You can stop by the town clerk’s office to get an absentee ballot if you won’t be here that day. Besides the hot issue of whether you approve of beer and wine in our town, there are a number of important questions that will affect your tax rate.

The Times did a great job of explaining several of the questions that were coming before the town meeting. Several of those approved at town meeting also require your approval at the ballot box. Be sure to vote.

Happy anniversary today to Clement and Johnnie Packish.

Best wishes for a very happy birthday today go out to Ann Lee and Mike McLaughlin. We are sending big bunches of birthday balloon wishes tomorrow to Jack Rizza and Fran Griffin Gould. Saturday, wish the best to Ann Maley. Sunday belongs to Rozetta Hughes. Bob Tankard celebrates his special day on Monday. Judy Nichols parties on Tuesday, along with Queen Elizabeth II.

Heard on Main Street: Be the person your dog thinks you are.